Business & Finance Outsourcing

Outsourcing, Are You Worried Yet?

Most Americans are very concerned about the outsourcing of American corporate jobs and yet if your job has not been outsourced yet chances are you are not worried about it.
But let me tell you, you should be because you quite possibly could be next.
Also consider that the average American is upside down in short term debt by 150 percent of annual earnings.
The average American has less than 2.
2 months worth of savings including credit cards if they lose their job.
This means if they lose their job, they lose their home and their credit rating and their kids will not go to college and they will not pass go for $200.
Outsourcing, are you worried yet; I am telling you, you should be.
Why do companies outsourcing the first place?Well there are many reasons such as over regulation and all the ridiculous lawsuits in our nation from class-action lawyers.
Additionally we all know that labor is cheaper in India in China.
This is not to say that the Americans cannot do a better job at their particular trade; many times they can.
But if you consider the complete gap in pay, you can understand why it behooves the Corporation to outsource to increase their profits, quarterly objectives and shareholders value.
Consider this in 2006 and good luck.
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