Business & Finance Outsourcing

A Successful Coaching Practice - Are These 3 Mistakes Preventing Success in Your Coaching Practice?

For the purposes of this article I am going to assume you already provide exceptional products and services to your clients.
They love what you do and refer new clients to you on a regular basis.
But even with all of that, your practice is still under producing and you are exhausted most of the time.
You are beginning to get burned out and can't figure out why.
Here are 3 of the biggest mistakes that may be standing between you and exploding profits in the coming year.
Mistake #1 -You Try To Do It All Alone Just because you are self employed does not mean you should do everything on your own.
There is no way one person can effectively take care of everything necessary for a successful online practice.
But I don't want the hassle and expense of hiring an employee you say.
Luckily in today's virtual marketplace there is no need to do that.
You can outsource almost anything you need to a Virtual assistant.
A Virtual assistant is an entrepreneur, just like you, who provides support services remotely for other entrepreneurs and small businesses.
They can provide administrative help, clerical help, creative help, or even marketing help.
They can show you how to leverage your time and expertise by creating information products, teleseminars, ecourses, or show you how to develop subscriptions services.
You will find a VA an invaluable asset to your business.
Mistake #2 - You Don't Automate Your Business As Much As possible Another mistake coaches usually make is they don't use the available technology effectively.
Today there are countless ways to automate many parts of a successful online practice.
There are opt-in boxes for list building and autoresponders to keep in touch with your prospects by sending broadcast announcement and ezines.
The shopping cart facilitates a seamless and professional financial transaction between you and your clients.
It can also deliver digital products automatically.
There are systems for teleseminars recordings and audio recording sites which allow you to put sound on your website easily.
Most coaches say they don't know what they don't know.
This is another excellent reason to talk to a VA.
Mistake #3 You Don't Market Yourself The final mistake most self employed professionals make is they don't market themselves.
I know you won't like to hear this but the fact is, if you are self employed you are also in the marketing business.
To be successful online you should be spending at least 40% of your time doing some form of marketing.
Does this scenario apply to you?When you are busy you don't market because you don't have the time.
Then when things slow down and you are forced to market you don't have a plan.
Sadly, you bounce from one thing to the next.
You never discover what works and what doesn't.
Once you get a few new clients you forget about marketing again until the cycle repeats itself.
The better solution is to develop a clear marketing strategy that incorporates proven systems that you continue consistently whether you are busy or slow.
Using internet and Social Media Marketing is a perfect fit for coaches because it is all about developing reciprocal relationships.
Social media marketing is also extremely cost effective.
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