Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Police Gear To Fit The Many Roles Held By Police Officers

There are different types of police gear for different types of police activities. All of it is necessary to be effective in one's law enforcement duties. Perfect examples are police vehicles and the various accessories within them that are needed to track down and capture criminals. Police officers use radar guns, which are used to enforce the speeding laws. Officers carry such equipment as guns, pepper spray and tasers, all of which are very effective both in riot control as well as dealing with criminals. Of course, police officers are given a great amount of training in the use of the various police gear and the amount of force which can be used in different situations to ensure that rights are not violated.

The police gear needed at a crime scene will vary from the gear needed when engaging in riot control or pursuit of a criminal. At a crime scene, the police will use various tools to investigate how the crime was committed and who committed the crime. Without proper police equipment, fingerprints at a crime scene could not be obtained and processed. The police will bring with them such items as fingerprinting kits and drug testing kits. They will also have latex gloves to prevent them from putting their own fingerprints on items at the scene and potentially tainting any evidence, as well as have special bags in which to place evidence, which is collected at the scene.

When engaging in riot control or pursuit of a criminal, police officers will wear various types of defensive armor. In these types of activities, police officers are dealing with individuals with a very highly likelihood of posing a real threat of harm to the officers and others, thus requiring special police gear. Because lethal weapons, such as firearms, are not to be used in controlling rioters, police officers have to heavily rely on self-protecting gear in the performance of this particular duty. As such, officers will typically wear riot helmets, face shields, gas masks, reinforced vests, neck protectors, and kneepads. They will also often carry riot shields for added protection.

Typically only non-lethal weapons are permitted for use during riot control. The main type of non-lethal weapon used by police officers in this type of situation is a baton, which is just a relatively short stick carried and wielded by policemen. The police may sometimes use taser guns, whips, tear gas, or plastic bullets shot from a special gun, in an attempt to break up a mob. Other police gear used at times to deal with an angry riotous mob includes the use of pepper spray or squirting high-pressured water through water cannons.

When dealing with criminal activity, a police officer will be outfitted with a bulletproof vest, a baton, handgun, pepper spray, radio equipment, flashlight, and handcuffs, just to name a few. This police gear is essential to capturing and subduing a criminal suspect and bringing him into custody.

The types of police gear available today and assists in the exercise of a police officer's duty seems endless. A police officer's role is certainly a multi-faceted one that requires a great deal of training and equipment to maintain the safety of the public while also keeping themselves safe and free from harm in the process.

Duty Gear Store is your one-stop shop for quality police gear, police apparel, Police Duty Gear such as Badge Holder, Tactical Boots, Gear Bags, Gun grips, Holsters, and under Armour boxer jocks. Please visit the site for more details of police duty gear - http://www.dutygearstore.com/
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