Health & Medical Eating & Food

How to Bake Bread in a Wood Stove

    • 1). Purchase an oven thermometer to hang from the oven rack of your wood stove. Even if the oven has a built-in thermometer on its door, it will be useful to have another thermometer further inside the oven to provide a more accurate reading.

    • 2). Continually feed the wood stove's firebox with many small quick-burning pieces of wood in order to reach the temperature for the bread recipe. You should aim for a temperature range rather than an exact temperature. To prevent the bread from burning, avoid temperatures more than 30 degrees higher than called for in the recipe.

    • 3). Place a large, slow-burning piece of wood into the firebox once it has reached the desired temperature. This will help maintain the heat throughout the baking process.

    • 4). Insert the dough-filled bread pan into the oven in an area away from hot spots. All wood burning stove ovens tend to have hot spots, such as the back and middle parts of the oven. Read your wood stove's instruction manual to learn about its hot spots.

    • 5). Rotate the pan 180 degrees halfway through the baking process. This will ensure that the dough rises and cooks more evenly.

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