- As compost heats up, pathogens and bacteria that cause odors are destroyed. The composting process kills weed seeds, too.
- Cow manure improves soil structure. Soil becomes less resistant to compaction and holds water better.
- Because it is lower in nutrients than other types of manure, you can use cow manure more frequently without risk of overfeeding.
- Dairy cow manure contains fewer weed seeds and has a lower salt content than steer manure and is therefore more desirable as compost.
- Fresh cow manure should be aged at least 60 days before being added to the garden. Place the manure in a compost bin or simply create a 3-foot-square pile. Turn the pile weekly and use freely.
- Manure fiber-based seed starting pots can be planted directly in the garden. Biodegradable and renewable, they are the brainchild of---who else?---two dairy farmers.
Odor, Weed and Pathogen Free
Soil Structure
Types of Cattle
Fresh Cow Manure
Innovative Use