Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Boost Muscle Growth

We just have one more to go ahead and get ready three you one Stammer almost done three to why and lacks are a very good does it do that exercise now we're moving on to a plank walk with two point jacks go ahead get ready and start-up go to put up with in walking to left slapping her shoulders four times 22.2 X the walk it back to the right slap her shoulders four times 2.6 again and start over its two steps with four Sure slaps and to play tax per cycle per direction just keep it going nice even pace we're almost done and let it relax sorry gotten second break before start up again go ahead and get ready 3 to one Stammer almost done three to why on and lacks a good job that's two down two to go ahead and get ready three you one Stammer almost done 3 to in and lacks I know you're tired we only have one more round to go ahead and get ready 3 to on Stammer almost done three to on and lacks alright good job we've got that exercise done now moving on to our next which is in the three hilltop jumps plus one squat jump.
Let's get ready item up those three heel taps done an ice deep squat jump it right back into those heel taps is a really nice quick motion you with those feet barely touch the ground free porn right back up again for those heel taps anyone nice deep squat jumping as quickly as you can for everything was jump squats almost just a few seconds left and let a relaxer first-round done yet three more to go ahead ready re to you on star Amino Muscles almost done three to why in an lacks a good job two down two more to go ahead ready three you 1 on Stammer almost done 3 to why on and lacks we have this one left to make sure you push it as hard as you can finish it up go ahead and get ready three you one Stammer almost done 3 to why and lacks alright that's another one down now we're moving on to pull jacks go ahead and get ready and will start about those hands overhead end quickly pull those elbows down to ribcage nice quick motion every single time those.
I was come down your drive one me up a really nice and high trading above that hip height knows arms come back up that late goes down as elbows come down again the absolutely goes up just make sure that motions really nice and quick and let relax interview first round we got three more to go ahead and get ready 3 to 1 on star meh almost done three to on and lacks alright that's halfway just two more rounds ago keep at it go ahead and get ready 3 to one Stammer almost done 3 to why in an lacks try to catch their breath we just have one more left to go ahead ready 3 to on Stammer now push yourself as hard as you possibly can remember is your last edit this exercise so hard you push yourself.
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