- 1). Cut out limbs that have died to prevent disease or fungus from entering through these less protected areas. Use a tree trimmer to saw the limb off near the trunk. Cut about 1 inch out from the trunk to ensure that you do not nick it. Cut halfway through the branch from the bottom, and then cut the rest of the way through from the top. This will keep the branch from tearing as it is cut.
- 2). Cut limbs 12 inches back from diseased spots. This will ensure that you remove all of the disease, plus any spread that isn't noticeable yet. Diseases such as fire blight are indicated by a discoloration in branches and leaves.
- 3). Rake up dead leaves under the tree. Leaves may carry the tree disease or fungus. Lying on the ground, they can infect the tree in another location or spread it to another tree.
- 4). Spray fungicides in quantities as directed on the package to eliminate fungus diseases. Spray with a garden sprayer, making sure to coat both sides of leaves, as well as the branches.