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Old Woman"s Shadow

Here in St Louis, Missouri, around April of 1981, my parents bought a house just one block up the street from where we lived. It was dirt cheap but needed work done to it. After plumbing and wiring was replaced, we moved in -- parents, little brother and sister, and me.

After about two maybe three months, I started seeing shadows dart out the corner of my eye. Thinking it was me, I just shrugged it off.

Then things would disappear, like coins or something small, then a few days later would be in the same exact spot. This led to fights between me and my brother and sister, thinking one or the other was doing that. After awhile, we realized it wasn't us doing that.

Now looking back, everyone's attitude seemed to change to near violent, and after four years my parents were divorced. Sometimes the dogs -- a great Dane and doberman -- would stand and stare down the hallways or dining room and kitchen area. We would hear them growl, but that was pretty much it.

One day I was in the basement lifting weights. There was a loud crash in the kitchen and the sound of heavy footsteps running up the back stairs. Of course, I ran out and sat on the front because I was the only one there. When my brother and sister came home from school, they asked why I was sitting outside. I never told them, but I went into the kitchen there was nothing broken.

One day I was coming home from school. We had a bay window on the second floor.

I saw a shadow in the window. Thinking it was my mom, I went upstairs, but there was no one there. Curious, I went through the whole house, but there was no one there but me.

Strange enough, the neighbors would look at us strange. One day there was a girl who lived across the street who told us that some years ago there used to be an elderly woman who stayed there by herself. One day during the winter she had come outside and slipped on the ice-covered stairs, hit her head on the stairs and died.

I didn't bring this up to my parents and brother and sister. Years later, my mom and sister saw the shadows. My brother didn't and my dad would never comment, but I knew he knew about that house.

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