- 1). Attach the open ends of two 20-gallon plastic buckets to each other with stainless steel bolts. Choose dark colored buckets; black or dark green, for example, will keep the composter hotter, which in turn helps the contents decompose faster.
- 2). Mark a rectangle-shaped opening on the side of the bucket-composter bin, using a wax crayon or masking tape. It must be large enough to get both your hands or a shovel through. Drill a 3/8-inch hole at every corner of this rectangle.
- 3). Cut out the rectangle with a jigsaw. With a file, smooth the raw edges of the rectangular opening.
- 4). Attach the just-cut-off rectangular piece as a door by adding hinges to the top side and screwing them into the bucket-composter, just above the rectangular opening.
- 5). Screw two pressure-treated pieces of wood (5 inches long or so) just inside the opening, along the bottom sides. These will keep the door from opening inward.
- 6). Screw another pressure-treated wood piece (about 5 inches long) on the outside of the opening, at the middle bottom. It will serve as a door latch.
- 7). Screw a piece of wood to one of the composter's round ends, overlapping each side of the bucket end by 6 inches or so. This will serve as a handle for turning the composter.
- 8). Place two 2-by-4s so they make an X. Screw them together where they cross, using stainless steel bolts. Make another X with two more 2-by-4s and screw it together.
- 9). Screw each X to a horizontal 2-by-4, creating a base and X-shaped legs. Create a brace for the base by screwing another 2-by-4 diagonally across from one leg to the opposite leg.
- 10
Set the bucket-composter on top of the stand. Lubricate the stand with bar soap.