The smoothie is a wonderful drink filled with vitamins and nutrients that are very beneficial to your health.
Not only that, but the smoothie is a great way to kick start your day by giving you tons of energy because of all of the natural ingredients.
The smoothie, depending on how you make it, can be packed with different types of fruits, vegetables, or other ingredients.
This article will provide you with a great smoothie recipe that you will love and enjoy for many years to some.
First, you'll need to gather up the ingredients that will be used to make this particular smoothie.
The ingredients for this smoothie include 2 oranges, 1 banana, 1 lime, 2-3 inch rounds of wheatgrass which you can find at your local health food store, and 12 crushed ice cubes.
That's all there is too it and the best part is you don't have to spend a lot of money to make this drink.
When you've got all your ingredients together, you're ready to begin making the smoothie.
This process is pretty simple and doesn't take a lot of time to prepare.
The first step is to juice the oranges, lime, and wheatgrass.
Now because you have three different types of ingredients to be juiced, you'll want to consider the type of juicer that you have.
You may be able to get away with juicing all three types with the same juicer, or you may have to have a separate juicer for the wheatgrass because it sometimes requires a more delicate juicer.
Once you have all ingredients juiced, then you can place all of the ingredients in a blender and blend on high for about 30 seconds or until you have a consistent texture to the smoothie.
When you are finished with this process, simply pour it into your favorite cup and enjoy.
This smoothie is packed with vitamins and minerals and tastes amazing.
You'll feel stimulated and refreshed and ready to take on the day.
If you have leftovers, just refrigerate and save it for the next day.
Remember, the wheatgrass smoothie is just one example of a great recipe that you can use.
There are many different recipes available to satisfy everyone's craving so don't be afraid to do a little searching, you'll be happy you did.
Not only that, but the smoothie is a great way to kick start your day by giving you tons of energy because of all of the natural ingredients.
The smoothie, depending on how you make it, can be packed with different types of fruits, vegetables, or other ingredients.
This article will provide you with a great smoothie recipe that you will love and enjoy for many years to some.
First, you'll need to gather up the ingredients that will be used to make this particular smoothie.
The ingredients for this smoothie include 2 oranges, 1 banana, 1 lime, 2-3 inch rounds of wheatgrass which you can find at your local health food store, and 12 crushed ice cubes.
That's all there is too it and the best part is you don't have to spend a lot of money to make this drink.
When you've got all your ingredients together, you're ready to begin making the smoothie.
This process is pretty simple and doesn't take a lot of time to prepare.
The first step is to juice the oranges, lime, and wheatgrass.
Now because you have three different types of ingredients to be juiced, you'll want to consider the type of juicer that you have.
You may be able to get away with juicing all three types with the same juicer, or you may have to have a separate juicer for the wheatgrass because it sometimes requires a more delicate juicer.
Once you have all ingredients juiced, then you can place all of the ingredients in a blender and blend on high for about 30 seconds or until you have a consistent texture to the smoothie.
When you are finished with this process, simply pour it into your favorite cup and enjoy.
This smoothie is packed with vitamins and minerals and tastes amazing.
You'll feel stimulated and refreshed and ready to take on the day.
If you have leftovers, just refrigerate and save it for the next day.
Remember, the wheatgrass smoothie is just one example of a great recipe that you can use.
There are many different recipes available to satisfy everyone's craving so don't be afraid to do a little searching, you'll be happy you did.