Are you fed up of trying to find natural cures for dark under eye circles? Have you tried a million different ways of getting rid of them? You are not alone there are hundreds of other women all over the world who have the same problem.
So read on and find out the 7 tips you need to know that will help you to get rid of those dark circles.
The skin that is under the eyes is very delicate and is filled with capillaries.
This is added with the puffiness which incidentally is worse first thing in the morning as the fluid fills up during the night when you sleep.
First a few of the reasons why you could be suffering with these dark circles are:
7 tips to get rid of those pesky under eye circles.
For even more free advice on both the best type of multi vitamin supplements and the best natural cures for dark under eye circles visit my website today - http://www.
So read on and find out the 7 tips you need to know that will help you to get rid of those dark circles.
The skin that is under the eyes is very delicate and is filled with capillaries.
This is added with the puffiness which incidentally is worse first thing in the morning as the fluid fills up during the night when you sleep.
First a few of the reasons why you could be suffering with these dark circles are:
- Lack of sleep
- Bad Circulation
- Hereditary Allergies
- Nasal Congestion
- Lack of vitamins B6, Folic Acid and B12
- Broken Vessels
- Get your 8hrs of beauty sleep a night.
This always help your health all round. - Make sure that your diet is prevalent in fruits and vegetables - especially those that contain good amounts of folic acid and B12 in particular.
Some of these foods are: green leafy vegetables, and liver.
One important point here to note is that if you buy a processed food that states on the label folic acid then you can be assured that 65% of its nutrients have been lost in the refining process.
So always try to eat non-processed or fast foods. - You also need foods rich in the B vitamins - especially B6.
Some of the best foods to eat for this are: potatoes baked in skin, banana, avocado etc. - Another good way to get even more benefits is to take a multi vitamin that also supplements folic acid, B12 and B6.
Let me tell you there are some supplements that will not only give you those particular vitamins, but will also give you many other benefits at the same time. - In the morning put two spoons in the freezer for about 15mins and then place these on the eyes for about 10mins.
- Take either a couple of slices of cucumber or 2 cold chamomile tea bags from the fridge and place those on your eyes.
This gives your skin a cool refreshing tingling feeling. - Or look for a natural cream or gel that has a proven record for helping to reduce those dark circles while at the same time feeding your skin with all the nutrients that it needs to stay in tip top condition.
7 tips to get rid of those pesky under eye circles.
For even more free advice on both the best type of multi vitamin supplements and the best natural cures for dark under eye circles visit my website today - http://www.