Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How To Train Your Dog To Behave Without Going To Obedience School

I have had many dogs over the years, starting when I was a small child.
My parents always had a dog or two, along with a cat, your standard household rodent and occasionally something a little more exotic like a turtle or some fish.
The point is, we always had dogs and I realized as I got older that my parents were not big in the dog training department.
I spent a lot of time with our dogs, and if I wanted to be able to enjoy them without having to chase them constantly, yelling and screaming like a half crazed animal myself, I realized that they would have to have some level of training.
They had to know who was boss, and I realized that I could get them to learn a few necessary commands pretty easily.
I didn't have to tear out my hair in the process, and it didn't take months of dog obedience classes to get there.
This article will include some ideas and tips on how to train your dog without spending many months and many dollars in the process.
My parents didn't expect much more from our family pets than to be happy, healthy, and playful.
Thorough training and obedience were not especially high on the list, and as such, our dogs were not the most well behaved animals on the block.
They weren't terrible, deviant animals, but they were lacking when I would expect them to obey even the most basic demands.
However, I soon realized that with a few simple techniques I could get them to honor my requests and demands without a lot of coaxing.
There are a couple of key elements to training a dog, and these elements form the basic foundation for training a household pet, or a dog being groomed to win "best in show".
TIP #1- Consistency No matter what trick or behavior you are trying to teach your dog, you have to do it with a consistent command and consistent follow through.
For instance, if you want your dog to come to you, you have to use the same, short command every time.
The accepted command in most circles, although not necessarily the only, is the word "come".
If you use this word one time, then call out "here" the next time, and then "let's go" on a third occasion, your dog will not be able to associate your desire with any one particular command.
When you start with a particular command, never vary.
Stick with that one, and you will see quick results.
TIP # 2-Rewards If your dog follows your command and does what you want, you have to let them know that they have done the right thing by giving a reward.
It can be anything from a rub on the head, to a full blown hug, to a small food treat, but you must give your dog the reward immediately after they have executed the request or command.
If you reinforce your happiness at their compliance they will be more likely to want to repeat the same action in order to get more reward.
Remember though, the reward must come immediately or your dog will not necessarily associate the reward with the command you gave.
If you try to follow these two simple tips when working with your dog, along with other common training techniques, then you will start to see results with your dog sooner than later, and all it will cost is a little time and patience.
Training your dog does not have to be overly expensive, and it doesn't have to take months.
Have fun and enjoy!
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