- A young man's 21st birthday is a special occasion.Number 21 image by Kirill Volodin from <a href='http://www.fotolia.com'>Fotolia.com</a>
The right party makes a 21st birthday a day to remember. At age 21, a boy is truly a man, with all the rights offered under the law. He can purchase and consume alcohol legally. He can gamble in legal outlets. This special birthday calls for a special occasion. Themes for the occasion often include devices newly available to the young man. Always keep in mind the age of all invited guests when planning for the party. - At age 21, a young man can legally gamble at all licensed casinos. Trips to casinos can be expensive, but a home casino party is affordable and can include friends of the guest of honor who have not reached the proper age. The casino game of blackjack is also known as 21 as the goal of the game is to get a hand of cards equal to or as close as possible to 21 without going over. Focus a party on this game. All that is actually needed is two or three decks of poker cards, but the party is livened up with a uniformed cocktail waitress and card dealer. Decorate the room with oversized playing cards and the number 21. Serve "manly" refreshments in the form of beer (for those old enough to drink), pretzels and chips.
- Twenty-one is the age of consent for alcohol in the United States. Many 21st birthday parties center on the consumption of alcohol on this basis. Combine the alcohol with gelatin to create a humorous party for the guest of honor. Create a batch of gelatin shots from various flavors of gelatin and vodka. Pour the concoction into number forms to make "21" shaped gelatin shots. Fill a kid's pool with gelatin, made with and without alcohol for wrestling matches. Make a gelatin filled cake for the birthday boy and top it with the birthday boy's name made from molded gelatin letters.
- By age 21, a young man is either getting ready to graduate college or is pondering the thought of attendance. A classic college party is the toga event. This Roman theme party lends itself nicely to a 21st birthday. Invite all the guests to dress up in togas for the event. Leaf crowns and sandals are optional. The typical toga party includes dancing, contests and consumption of alcohol. Include "best toga" or "most creative" toga contests and have a dance off. A disc jockey or dance band is needed. The nature of a toga party is one of chaos so plan carefully to keep all involved safe.
Gelatin Party