Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

The Two Types of Herpes

The Herpes disease is one of those sexually transmitted diseases that are considered the most common.
Also, this disease is a viral infection that's very common.
Once a person develops a cold sore then he or she must have the herpes disease and he/she will have it probably for the rest of his/her life for the simple reason that there is quite no cure that's been discovered at this present time.
Also, if a person has contracted the herpes disease, he/she should not think of being alone since there are a lot of people out there - around 1 in 6 adults in fact, who are also victims of the genital herpes.
Furthermore, it has been projected officially that there are around eighty million Americans who have contracted herpes of one particular form or another.
A given fact is that there are about eighty variations of herpes virus that are identified so far, however there are only 8 of the total variations which can be held responsible for such herpes disease in the human population.
The herpes simplex 1 and herpes simplex 2 have been the most common of these variations.
Some other common viruses of the herpes disease that are able to affect humans may include the shingles (herpes zoster) or the chickenpox (varicella zoster).
The herpes disease is triggered by a certain virus that has been very dormant in a persons body for several years already.
Any particular person who had the chickenpox disease probably has the virus' dormant form present in his/her body.
There are actually 2 major types of the said virus.
First one would be the Simplex Type 1 (HSV-1) that could cause Cold Sores.
The dormant state of this type of herpes virus can hide in the nerves that are found near a person's ear; and this virus cause most of the time some cold sores on a persons lower lip.
With some rare cases, the virus can trigger damage to a persons eyes and that could include blindness.
The second major type of the herpes virus is the Herpes Simplex Type 2 (HSV-2), and this is the type which can be held responsible for the Genital Herpes disease.
The dormant state of this type of herpes virus can hide in the nerves that are found at the base of a persons spine; as well as the outbreaks of this herpes virus usually are contained to a persons genital area.
The two major types of the herpes virus both look quite identical if viewed through a powerful scientific microscope; as well as both of the two types can easily infect both a persons genital area and mouth.
While the HSV-2 is responsible the most often for the genital herpes disease, the HSV-1 would be for the cold sores.
Also to be noted is that both of these types are very highly contagious.
The genital herpes disease is one that should never be faced with blind eye.
It could cause terrible things just like the other sexually transmitted diseases.
If not immediately checked with the help of any medical professional who specializes with any sexually transmitted diseases, then things would only get worse.
There are a lot of private clinics that offers reliable plus affordable herpes tests, so there are actually no difficulties in finding some medical help.
If you are worried about any disclosures of your situation, then there are equally no problems too since private clinics can offer great privacy as well as the confidentiality of their patients.
With that given, there should be no doubts to visit a private clinic in case you can feel that there is something wrong that's happening to your body.
Herpes - Know the two main types of the herpes virus that target both men and women.
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