Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

10 Unacceptable Mobile Marketing Mistakes You Need To Know

I see mobile marketers making the same mistakes all the time.
Big blunders that can cost them a fortune.
Interestingly, these mistakes are the same for newbies as well as established and experienced, marketers.
I have gone through my journals and here are 10 of the most common.
Mistake #1 - Failing to Build a Mobile Database Building a mobile number database should be a continuous activity.
Your biggest asset is the databases of happy customers.
It is easier and cheaper to sell to people on your database than those who have never heard of you.
Mistake #2 - Failing to Get Customers to Opt-in Sending out emails or text messages that are an unsolicited can land you in big trouble with the authorities.
In fact, just ten emails or text messages can cost you $160,000 in fines.
So the best thing to do is a let customer to opt in; there is no shortcut to this.
Mistake #3 - Failing to Harness the Full Potential of Mobile Marketing The potential of mobile marketing is bigger than you think.
Imagine there are now more mobile handsets than PCs and TVs combined.
That means that you need to be constantly on the look out for the best ways to tap into this potential.
Mistake #4 - Getting it Wrong on the Differences Between Mobile and PC Users.
You can send a 7-page report to PC users without any worry but, to mobile users it's a big no.
Besides, mobile users are mostly on the move, a have smaller attentions span and so detest big documents.
Mistake #5 - Getting it Wrong on the Differences Between a Mobile Device and a PC.
The screen is smaller of a mobile hardest is smaller; the keyboard is certainly limited.
Mobile devices don't have a mouse or printer and the bandwidth is restricted.
So when you send marketing information you need to keep this in mind.
Mistake #6 - Thinking that a Mobile Site is the Same a Website.
A mobile site, unlike a normal website has small pixels.
And without a mouse, navigation of a mobile site is limited and this affects the way you tailor your marketing.
Mistake #7 -Failing to be unique.
There is too much noise out there and customers have kind of become immune.
You can only catch their attention with your uniqueness and the additional value you offer.
Mistake #8 -Failingto Understand the Capabilitiesof Handsets.
Handsets are constantly changing.
What a smart phone can do is not necessarily going to be the same as what the normal phone is capable of handling.
So when you send a campaign meant for smart phone users only to other phones with less capability, you are not only displaying your lack if understanding but, also your limited creativity.
Mistake #9 - Ignoring The Fact That Mobile Users are Not Static.
Some users will be in LA today and in New York tomorrow.
So when you are doing promotions you need to take this into account.
Mistake #10- Failing to Process opt out Request.
A request to opt out should not be charged, delayed or made unnecessarily hard.
In fact, this can land you in trouble.
You need to realize that people's circumstances change and may now no longer require your services.
Do not take it personal.
Just process opt out requests and tell them that should they have a need of your services in the future they are welcome opt in again.
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