Are you sick and tired of taking those expensive medications that don't really work? Are you sick of feeling lazy, old and worthless? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Can't sleep at night? Want a solution to your chronic pain and fatigue? Over all, are you tired of hearing that it is all in your head, when you know that there is truly something physically wrong? Well what if I told you that it is probably not in your head? There is now an answer for what may be a physically, not psychologically, but a physically problem with your brain.
Brain Based Therapy is breakthrough treatment that has been clinically proven to help beat chronic pain, fatigue and Fibromyalgia with no dangerous drugs or surgery.
I have seen 20 or more years of pain melt away, night upon night of sleeplessness become restful and energizing again.
We've watched debilitating fatigue and brain fog burn off into the past.
But don't just take my word for it listen to what one patient writes: "Before I started Brain Base Therapy I could hardly get out of bed in the morning.
If I did too much activity I would pay for it for 2-3 days.
The treatments are just wonderful.
I'm sleeping better.
Even my husband noticed I'm feeling better.
Now my pain is gone.
I just feel wonderful.
As a matter of fact next month my husband and I are going on vacation.
We haven't taken a vacation in 8 years because I just didn't feel like going anywhere.
I told my husband that I feel like travelling now.
" Fibromyalgia is known for any combination of these symptoms: progressing worsening pain at any place in the body, fatigue (tired all the time, even tired when waking up in the morning, low energy level), insomnia (not getting to sleep easy and/or not staying asleep well), headaches or migraines (usually accompanied with pain around the eyes or face, inability to tolerate extremes in temperature ( can't stand to be in heat and humidity or in very cold weather), usually feels cold all the time but can have hot flashes during the day or night or both that can be over entire body or just a certain part of the body (I had a patient tell me recently that she has hot flashes just over the back of her head and neck, she can even feel the heat with her hands if she places them over her posterior head or neck), diarrhea or constipation, back and/or neck pain due to disc problems such as stenosis, bulges, herniations, arthritis, degeneration and spinal aging, can't think good (often referred to as brain fog, can't concentrate, poor short term memory).
With this condition you may have a few or all of these symptoms.
This condition progressively get worse over a period of time.
Stress may increase the rate of progression.
Meaning, the more stress usually means the faster it progresses.
Fibromyalgia is real and reversible.
Most researchers agree that fibromyalgia patients suffer from a disorder of central processing within the brain, more specifically the neuroendocrine/neurotransmitter dysregulation.
Over the last couple years we've learned that these patients suffer from many deep brain reflex lesions and a decreased ability of their body to utilize oxygen at a much greater deficit than someone else of the same age and sex.
When I speak of deep brain reflex lesions I am not speaking about an anatomic problem like a brain infection or brain cancer.
That type of problem is referred to as an ablative brain lesion.
The type of problem I'm speaking of has to do with the deep brain reflexes and this would be classified as a non-ablative brain lesion.
To put it in easier terms to understand, think about a computer.
Has your computer ever frozen up? If so, what do you have to do to fix the problem? Usually it corrected by just restarting the computer.
There is nothing "anatomically" wrong with it.
It is just frozen up.
Your brain can do a similar thing.
The reflexes just don't "work" right.
Unfortunately there is no reset button to press for your brain.
But the correction process (brain reprogramming) is an easy process but it does takes some time to correct.
As I mentioned earlier, when suffering from fibromyalgia, usually your body cannot utilize oxygen very well.
It is important to know that everyone's ability to utilize oxygen decreases after the early to mid twenties.
But a fibromyalgia patient has an increase rate of decline of oxygen utilization.
But always keep in mind that fibromyalgia is REAL and fibromyalgia is REVERSIBLE.
I have been a practicing chiropractic doctor for over 22 years.
In my early years, I didn't understand fibromyalgia and thought and was trained that "fibromyalgia" could just be a psychological problem.
You know what I am talking about.
If you suffer from fibromyalgia, then you've probably heard directly or more likely, behind your back someone say that "you just don't want to get better, you are just lazy, you enjoy the attention that 'fibromyalgia' brings to you, etc...
" Over the years of practicing healthcare I have since changed my thoughts, partly due to seeing patients suffering from "fibromyalgia" gradually get worse year after year and partly due to new research and training in the field of neurology.
Here is the good news.
If there ever is a good time to have it, now is the time.
Over the last couple of years we have learned how to treat it effectively with a five front attack.
We attack this problem on five fronts to get the best results.
The first point of attack is through brain based treatment.
This helps "reprogram" the bad brain reflexes.
This is accomplished by stimulating the nervous unilaterally.
The second point of attack is by non-surgical spinal decompression (NSSD).
This helps two different issues.
Usually the fibromyalgia patient suffers from neck and/or back problems such as stenosis, bulges, herniations, arthritis, degeneration and spinal aging.
NSSD can actually help all of these conditions and sometimes reverse some of the wear and tear on the spine.
Secondly NSSD helps stimulate the brain by the slow and steady stretch on the spine.
The next way to attack and treat fibromyalgia is by the administering high concentration of oxygen.
I test patient oxygen levels through an Ohmeda TuffSat.
This device tests both the SPO2 (specific oxygen level) and the PIr® (perfusion index).
The former measures the amount of oxygen in the blood.
Cardiologically we would like the SPO2 to be at 90% or above.
Neurologically we like the SPO2 to be at 98% or above.
The brain needs more oxygen then any other part of the body.
The latter measures the amount of oxygen in the cells.
We want this number to be at 3.
0 or above.
Every fibromyalgia patient I have ever checked has been low in one or usually both of these numbers.
The oxygen treatment also helps with two different issues like the NSSD.
It helps disc problems heal up faster and better.
And NSSD also helps the brain optimize its function.
The fourth point of attack is nutritionally.
It doesn't matter how good of a job we have done with reprogramming the brain and raising the oxygen availability to the brain if the body doesn't have the correct structural components to rebuild itself.
I liken this process to a house that has been damaged due to a storm.
You can hire the best contractor to rebuild your house and have the best architectural drawings to work from, but it you don't have the good quality building materials, you can't rebuild the house correctly.
The last point of attack is related to the fourth point.
Lastly I sit down with the patient and explain some dietary guidelines to use.
I again am more concerned with making sure they are receiving certain nutrients.
I am not as concerned with avoiding specific things such as junk food, but the better you can eat, the better overall it is for your recovery process.
My fibromyalgia recovery program lasts six months.
Initially I treat the patient three times per week.
As they improve, I gradually reduce the frequency of treatment.
It is very important to keep in mind that this condition comes on over a period of time and heals up over a period of time.
The natural inclination is to try and heal this up as fast as possible.
But just like any activity, if you do too much you will get worse.
If we do too much treatment at a time you will also get worse.
I tell all my patients that we are just going to take baby steps to get to the point of recovery.
Keep in mind, fibromyalgia is REAL and fibromyalgia is REVERSIBLE.
Brain Based Therapy is breakthrough treatment that has been clinically proven to help beat chronic pain, fatigue and Fibromyalgia with no dangerous drugs or surgery.
I have seen 20 or more years of pain melt away, night upon night of sleeplessness become restful and energizing again.
We've watched debilitating fatigue and brain fog burn off into the past.
But don't just take my word for it listen to what one patient writes: "Before I started Brain Base Therapy I could hardly get out of bed in the morning.
If I did too much activity I would pay for it for 2-3 days.
The treatments are just wonderful.
I'm sleeping better.
Even my husband noticed I'm feeling better.
Now my pain is gone.
I just feel wonderful.
As a matter of fact next month my husband and I are going on vacation.
We haven't taken a vacation in 8 years because I just didn't feel like going anywhere.
I told my husband that I feel like travelling now.
" Fibromyalgia is known for any combination of these symptoms: progressing worsening pain at any place in the body, fatigue (tired all the time, even tired when waking up in the morning, low energy level), insomnia (not getting to sleep easy and/or not staying asleep well), headaches or migraines (usually accompanied with pain around the eyes or face, inability to tolerate extremes in temperature ( can't stand to be in heat and humidity or in very cold weather), usually feels cold all the time but can have hot flashes during the day or night or both that can be over entire body or just a certain part of the body (I had a patient tell me recently that she has hot flashes just over the back of her head and neck, she can even feel the heat with her hands if she places them over her posterior head or neck), diarrhea or constipation, back and/or neck pain due to disc problems such as stenosis, bulges, herniations, arthritis, degeneration and spinal aging, can't think good (often referred to as brain fog, can't concentrate, poor short term memory).
With this condition you may have a few or all of these symptoms.
This condition progressively get worse over a period of time.
Stress may increase the rate of progression.
Meaning, the more stress usually means the faster it progresses.
Fibromyalgia is real and reversible.
Most researchers agree that fibromyalgia patients suffer from a disorder of central processing within the brain, more specifically the neuroendocrine/neurotransmitter dysregulation.
Over the last couple years we've learned that these patients suffer from many deep brain reflex lesions and a decreased ability of their body to utilize oxygen at a much greater deficit than someone else of the same age and sex.
When I speak of deep brain reflex lesions I am not speaking about an anatomic problem like a brain infection or brain cancer.
That type of problem is referred to as an ablative brain lesion.
The type of problem I'm speaking of has to do with the deep brain reflexes and this would be classified as a non-ablative brain lesion.
To put it in easier terms to understand, think about a computer.
Has your computer ever frozen up? If so, what do you have to do to fix the problem? Usually it corrected by just restarting the computer.
There is nothing "anatomically" wrong with it.
It is just frozen up.
Your brain can do a similar thing.
The reflexes just don't "work" right.
Unfortunately there is no reset button to press for your brain.
But the correction process (brain reprogramming) is an easy process but it does takes some time to correct.
As I mentioned earlier, when suffering from fibromyalgia, usually your body cannot utilize oxygen very well.
It is important to know that everyone's ability to utilize oxygen decreases after the early to mid twenties.
But a fibromyalgia patient has an increase rate of decline of oxygen utilization.
But always keep in mind that fibromyalgia is REAL and fibromyalgia is REVERSIBLE.
I have been a practicing chiropractic doctor for over 22 years.
In my early years, I didn't understand fibromyalgia and thought and was trained that "fibromyalgia" could just be a psychological problem.
You know what I am talking about.
If you suffer from fibromyalgia, then you've probably heard directly or more likely, behind your back someone say that "you just don't want to get better, you are just lazy, you enjoy the attention that 'fibromyalgia' brings to you, etc...
" Over the years of practicing healthcare I have since changed my thoughts, partly due to seeing patients suffering from "fibromyalgia" gradually get worse year after year and partly due to new research and training in the field of neurology.
Here is the good news.
If there ever is a good time to have it, now is the time.
Over the last couple of years we have learned how to treat it effectively with a five front attack.
We attack this problem on five fronts to get the best results.
The first point of attack is through brain based treatment.
This helps "reprogram" the bad brain reflexes.
This is accomplished by stimulating the nervous unilaterally.
The second point of attack is by non-surgical spinal decompression (NSSD).
This helps two different issues.
Usually the fibromyalgia patient suffers from neck and/or back problems such as stenosis, bulges, herniations, arthritis, degeneration and spinal aging.
NSSD can actually help all of these conditions and sometimes reverse some of the wear and tear on the spine.
Secondly NSSD helps stimulate the brain by the slow and steady stretch on the spine.
The next way to attack and treat fibromyalgia is by the administering high concentration of oxygen.
I test patient oxygen levels through an Ohmeda TuffSat.
This device tests both the SPO2 (specific oxygen level) and the PIr® (perfusion index).
The former measures the amount of oxygen in the blood.
Cardiologically we would like the SPO2 to be at 90% or above.
Neurologically we like the SPO2 to be at 98% or above.
The brain needs more oxygen then any other part of the body.
The latter measures the amount of oxygen in the cells.
We want this number to be at 3.
0 or above.
Every fibromyalgia patient I have ever checked has been low in one or usually both of these numbers.
The oxygen treatment also helps with two different issues like the NSSD.
It helps disc problems heal up faster and better.
And NSSD also helps the brain optimize its function.
The fourth point of attack is nutritionally.
It doesn't matter how good of a job we have done with reprogramming the brain and raising the oxygen availability to the brain if the body doesn't have the correct structural components to rebuild itself.
I liken this process to a house that has been damaged due to a storm.
You can hire the best contractor to rebuild your house and have the best architectural drawings to work from, but it you don't have the good quality building materials, you can't rebuild the house correctly.
The last point of attack is related to the fourth point.
Lastly I sit down with the patient and explain some dietary guidelines to use.
I again am more concerned with making sure they are receiving certain nutrients.
I am not as concerned with avoiding specific things such as junk food, but the better you can eat, the better overall it is for your recovery process.
My fibromyalgia recovery program lasts six months.
Initially I treat the patient three times per week.
As they improve, I gradually reduce the frequency of treatment.
It is very important to keep in mind that this condition comes on over a period of time and heals up over a period of time.
The natural inclination is to try and heal this up as fast as possible.
But just like any activity, if you do too much you will get worse.
If we do too much treatment at a time you will also get worse.
I tell all my patients that we are just going to take baby steps to get to the point of recovery.
Keep in mind, fibromyalgia is REAL and fibromyalgia is REVERSIBLE.