Business & Finance Corporations

Earn Money Working From Home - Which Job is Best For You?

Administrative work consists of typing, data entry, article writing, email answering, envelope stuffing, clerical, transcription and secretarial.
These jobs pay up to $10 per hour.
If you were once out in the field as a secretary or administrative assistant and now you find yourself at home with a family, this would be the perfect job.
It will allow you to keep your skills up and earn some needed cash.
Order processing jobs require that you process orders by attending to incoming telephone calls from both active clients and/or inactive clients.
You would call the numbers of such active and inactive clients on your own and build up a rapport with them.
You would judge their requirements and offer suitable solutions in the range of the company products.
You would close out the deals and convey the orders to the company.
If the payments were to be done after the delivery of the products, then you would follow up and obtain the payments without any hassles.
These jobs pay up to $11 per order.
Proofreading jobs consists of checking spelling and grammar for errors in Book Manuscripts, Resumes, High School and College Papers, Dissertations, Thesis's, Advertising, Professional Documents, Excel Spreadsheets and Power Point Presentations.
You would need an email address and fax machine and a computer, of course.
The company you choose may ask you to take a test to qualify you to make sure your skills are in check.
This job pays up to $17 per order.
A Medical billers duty is to read and review medical documentation.
This information is used in a patient's chart for listing patient's complaints.
This will include various diseases, injuries, surgeries, and other procedures.
Medical billers must be certain that the correct codes are selected and matched with specific procedures and treatments.
Medical billers must also comply with federal regulations and insurance requirements.
A major requirement is that the Medical biller be able to prepare complete and accurate records.
This is important to hospitals and clinics because they want to be sure to get compensation from Medicare and Medicaid.
Assigning correct codes to diagnoses and procedures will ensure that the hospital or doctor that they are working for, gets the proper financial payments from insurance companies and government agencies.
This job pays up to $11 per hour.
Assembling crafts from home is an enjoyable and flexible way to make a living.
There are companies that pay artisans to make items for them.
The trick is learning how to sift through the ample number of opportunities to choose the best one.
Search for "artisan jobs", "artisans wanted" or variations of it, there you will find a number of legitimate opportunities.
They can pay up to $35 an item.
Packaging jobs sometimes are a little difficult to find.
The key is to find manufactures located near you.
Most manufacturers do not want to dispatch jobs elsewhere.
If you can find a local manufacturer where you can drive to and pick up the items and supplies for shipping you have a much better chance of landing that type of job.
This job usually pays $15.
50 per hour.
An awesome way to earn money working from home is the EffortlessWeb-CashFormula.
If you have a computer and can cut and paste and have some basic computer skills, you qualify.
This is a great way to earn extra income especially for someone that is new to Internet marketing.
The system actually does all the work for you.
Download the Greatest FREE Money Making eBook Ever.
It will show you an easy way to get the cash you need working from home with full support and instruction from the founder.
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