With the changing times, conventional marketing tactics are giving away. When it comes to event marketing, the strategy needs to change in a much more dynamic manner. There are a number of companies which are doing good, thanks to their efficient marketing campaigns. If you are one of those who feel that marketing can never change, then some recent developments in the world of marketing must have made you uncomfortable, isn't it?
Well, there is no point in running from it any more. Embrace the new development in a way to outshine your competition. But how? Here in this article, we tell you how -
The first and foremost point you need to focus on is to bring in the mobile audience. How will you be able to do that? Well, thanks to the outright growth of smart-phones, more and more users are upgrading to the category. They are increasingly downloading applications that make their lives easier. Why don't you jump into it as well? There are a number of companies which have created applications for smart-phones. These applications have now enabled companies to track their market in a much better way. But what are the features that event marketers should put into their applications?
Well for the starters, event marketers must make their application complete in the truest sense of form. Users must find all the information pertaining to the event on the application. They must be able to find the event destination from the map embedded in the application to the conference agenda and the place that it's being carried out in the event hall.
Another nice feature that many event marketers are looking forward to having in their application is the real-time feedback generation. There are many applications which have a built in QR reader. The moment a visitors arrives at a kiosk, he can find out about the product and the marketers can send an automatic Thank You mail to the mail id in the QR code. This helps the company take the conversation forward and make their application, absolutely effective.
There are a number of events which still haven't made good use of popular networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. If you are thinking about the best way to bring more people to your event, then you have to make good use of social media. When it comes to event marketing, be sure to explore all options. Start now!
Well, there is no point in running from it any more. Embrace the new development in a way to outshine your competition. But how? Here in this article, we tell you how -
The first and foremost point you need to focus on is to bring in the mobile audience. How will you be able to do that? Well, thanks to the outright growth of smart-phones, more and more users are upgrading to the category. They are increasingly downloading applications that make their lives easier. Why don't you jump into it as well? There are a number of companies which have created applications for smart-phones. These applications have now enabled companies to track their market in a much better way. But what are the features that event marketers should put into their applications?
Well for the starters, event marketers must make their application complete in the truest sense of form. Users must find all the information pertaining to the event on the application. They must be able to find the event destination from the map embedded in the application to the conference agenda and the place that it's being carried out in the event hall.
Another nice feature that many event marketers are looking forward to having in their application is the real-time feedback generation. There are many applications which have a built in QR reader. The moment a visitors arrives at a kiosk, he can find out about the product and the marketers can send an automatic Thank You mail to the mail id in the QR code. This helps the company take the conversation forward and make their application, absolutely effective.
There are a number of events which still haven't made good use of popular networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. If you are thinking about the best way to bring more people to your event, then you have to make good use of social media. When it comes to event marketing, be sure to explore all options. Start now!