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Lawn Care - What You Should Expect From Your Weed and Feed Lawn Care Contractor

When you are considering a Lawn Care contractor to do some work for you, there are some questions you need to ask? Lawn Care (that is, the rejuvenation of lawn turf using herbicides to help control and eliminate post-emergent lawn weeds; and using fertilisers to aid lawn recovery and help thicken up the lawn) is a highly skilled and knowledge based service.
Some things you need to keep in mind when contracting the services of a Lawn Care operator:
  1. Is the contractor qualified to carry out Lawn Care?
  2. Does the Lawn Care contractor have the relevant skills accreditation (license)?
  3. Does the contractor have adequate knowledge about the broad range of both cool-season turf grasses and warm season turf grasses?
  4. Does the contractor have adequate experience and knowledge in the safe handling, use & application and storage of herbicides, pesticides and fertilisers?
Did you know that for a fraction of the cost of replacing your turf, you can nurture your old lawn back to Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG) standards? That's right, and it can be achieved in the matter of weeks depending on the time of year.
A good contractor will be able to eliminate the weeds from the following turf situations:
  1. All broadleaf weeds from couch / bermuda grass, kikuyu, durban and buffalo / St Augustine (including Sir Walter buffalo and Palmetto buffalo)
  2. All annual grassy weeds including wintergrass, summergrass, crowsfoot, nutgrass and so on from all turf areas
  3. Undesirable turf grasses in your turf such as kikuyu (being the weed) in couch turf or buffalo turf
  4. Paspalum from couch / bermuda grass, and other turf situations
  5. Onion weed from couch, kikuyu and buffalo
  6. Rye grass from couch, and other lawns
  7. All weeds (if the contractor knows what he is doing!)
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