Health & Medical Women's Health

Ovarian Cysts Surgery is the Only Solution - Or is it Really?

Obviously next to hormonal pills and medication, ovarian cysts surgery has been tagged as the only solution by conventional medicine, even though they have been mum about the shocking truth.
As you may know, surgery will most often be prescribed by your doctor after a certain period of observation and based on a number of things: 1.
If you are postmenopausal 2.
If the cysts don't go away after several menstrual cycles 3.
If the cysts get larger 4.
If it becomes odd-looking on the ultrasound 5.
If it causes pain It is usually at that point that your doctor can verify what type of ovarian cysts surgery will work best for the patient.
For the record, there are two main surgeries: Laparoscopy - a procedure that is commonly done on small types of ovarian cysts which are noncancerous or benign.
Laparotomy - a type of surgery that involves larger cysts which may be cancerous, and therefore require larger incisions.
The cyst is then taken out and tested for cancer.
Here's the shocking truth.
Surgery, aside from being a painful ordeal, can only do so much as to remove the cysts that are visible in the ovaries.
The doctors cannot and will not guarantee that the patient will be free from any side effects or complications.
What's worse is there still remains the possibility for these types of cysts to recur.
Picture yourself being carried to the operating room of the hospital every year, or less...
there's absolutely nothing relieving about that and makes one's predicament worse.
Thankfully, there are now natural treatments which serve as far better alternatives to ovarian cysts surgery.
Many women have discovered that it doesn't take hormonal pills to shrink their cyst, but rather, a holistic approach that involves key lifestyle changes, as simple as cutting caffeine intake to drinking more water and herbal teas.
This process involves targeting the root cause of the symptoms, which is more effective and longer-lasting than any "band-aid" approach that conventional medicine could offer.
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