Business & Finance Social Media

How to Use Instagram As a Marketing Tool

While Instagram continues to grow in popularity, and so many easily accessible customers just waiting to like your image, it only makes sense for businesses to become active on this social media platform.
Some businesses may think that all they have to do is post an image and wait for followers to comment and like their image; however it does require a little more effort than that to benefit from the marketing advantages that can be gained through the website.
One of the first things that a new user should do is to take full advantage of the Bio section that is featured on the top of your profile.
This valuable space should be used to identify who your business is, what you do, and your website information.
You should also make this space entertaining for visitors, include a little personality that will show you are not just another boring business trying to jump on the Instagram bandwagon.
You should also link all of your social media accounts to your Instagram account.
This will enable you to share images and videos that you have shared.
This is a great way to increase traffic between all of your different social media accounts.
If your business has a Facebook page, you should include links to your Instagram account.
The images that you choose to share on your Instagram account should be personal and not purely promotional.
If you feature images that are more personal in nature and not something that can be found in a magazine, you will begin to build a presence that is more personable and approachable.
These are the types of images that followers can relate to and enjoy on a regular basis.
You will also notice that these types of images often experience the most comments and interaction among followers than other images that are often posted by other businesses.
To ensure that your images can be discovered by interested parties, you should include hashtags.
Carefully chosen hashtags will ensure that your images show up in search results and get the attention of the individuals you are trying to reach.
It has been shown that users who use at least five hashtags received the most interaction from users.
If you have established a popular hashtag on other social media websites, you should continue to use that hashtag on Instagram as well.
Instagram has a lot to offer businesses as a marketing tool, but only if it is used in the proper manner.
If you utilize some of the techniques that we have listed above, you should soon begin to notice an increase in followers as well as interaction among users.
If you haven't already created an Instagram account, you may want to do so as soon as possible.
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