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Extend the Life of Content With Email Promotion

You've used the best web design experts, written great web content, you've done great research and your material is captivating...
now what? EMAIL MARKETING TO THE RESCUE Many publishers have great websites for which they paid a lot during the website design stages...
websites with good content sitting in stale archives.
Content which may have cost money to produce and content, which is under utilized in terms of exposure to the reading public...
content, which could be generating revenue for the publisher every single day! This content can be given an energizing kick to get it generating some form of revenue or traffic for the publisher, which he can, then convert to revenue through page impression on his website, or other landing system.
With email marketing, the key is to package content cleverly, for the right audience and distribute it at just the right time, right day and with clear parameters for unsubscribing provided to the readers, or consumers.
A typical cycle would go as follows:
  • Go through your website and identify content you can see is important and would go down well with readers.
  • Make copies suited for emailing...
    typically with the use of email templating programs that allow you to produce eye-catching, highly optimized documents suited for emailing outwards.
  • Pick the best copy from your different versions.
  • Identify members of your mailing list who would most enjoy your article: It is important, if your website is a multiple category, mixed content site, for example, if you have sports, business and art on your site, clearly subdivided, it won't help you to send sports content to subscribers who subscribed to your arts section.
    Choose the right recipients!
  • Import your users into your mailing program and import your mailing copy.
  • Send!
As if that process is not enough, you must, if you want to get really intricate, add some identifier to all links in your article to help you track readership and well as click-through's to your site.
Done right, you can end up with statistics that give you insight into which countries, towns or regions are most likely to react positively to your emailed articles or newsletters, which are likely to unsubscribe and so on and so forth.
For serious and professional email marketing help, you are most likely to reap huge benefits by approaching experts in the mailing industry who will likely have millions of subscribers who, even more importantly, are 'opted-in' subscribers and happy to receive mail from a recognized organization they have already trusted with their personal details...
people they already have an ongoing relationship.
This also takes the burden of doing all the hard work off your own hands leaving you to spend more time identifying more fascinating and potentially profitable content from your archives plus allows you to ride on the authority and public image of your emailing service provider.
Remember, you can make 'dead' content come back to life and make you some extra revenue with a little bit of hard work.
At the end of the day, email marketing is just part of a larger promotional effort.
Good luck with the campaign...
keep marketing and keep on emailing!
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