Cars & Vehicles Auto Insurance & Registration

How to Transfer Safeco Auto Insurance to a New Car

    • 1). Call Safeco at 800-332-3226 (accurate as of July 2010), or visit your local agent if you deal with a local division, to transfer your coverage. Provide the agent with the new vehicle's year, make, model, mileage and vehicle identification number. If you are financing the vehicle, find out the lien holder's name and address--the lender requires the information on your insurance policy and proof of coverage.

    • 2). Sign up for the coverage and deductibles of your choice once your insurance representative explains your options. If you have a lien holder on your new car but only liability on your old vehicle, you will have to purchase a full-coverage policy. Ask questions if you are unsure of any policy or coverage details.

    • 3). Receive your proof of insurance from your agent to keep in your vehicle at all times. If you are calling, have your proof of insurance emailed or faxed to you.

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