Cars & Vehicles Auto Insurance & Registration

What Is the Process for an Insurance Company After an Accident?

    Claim Call

    • The insurance company receives a call from the insured driver and the other party. The representative takes down information about the accident, including the time and date, the damage done, and the claimant's story of what happened. The insurance company will take the police report number and order it from the local police to confirm the story. This is an important call as it will be used to evaluate whether the accident was the fault of the insured or the other party. When the claim call is received, the case is entered into the insurer's system and an adjuster is assigned.

    Send an Adjuster

    • The adjuster calls back the insured to schedule a date and time to visit the vehicle. If the car can still be driven, the customer can bring it into the insurer's location to be looked at (and possibly repaired if that service is available). The adjuster evaluates the damage to the car and gives the claimant an estimate for the damages. The adjuster must also make arrangements with the other party if there is speculation the accident was caused by the insured party. As an alternative, some insurance companies will allow the customer to bring the vehicle to an independently owned repair shop to receive an estimate, but an adjuster will still need to approve the amount.

    Process and Send a Check

    • The claim is processed with the new estimate information. The adjuster will most likely speak to each party involved and look over the police report before making a final decision on whether to release money on the claim. Once everything is approved, a check is mailed to the insured or the other party. If there is a deductible on the policy, the check will be the estimated repairs less the deductible. If the accident was the fault of the insurer's customer, the other party must be cut a check to cover damages as well.

    Evaluate the Insured's Policy

    • After the accident claim is completed, the customer's auto insurance policy will be evaluated. The premium may be increased if it is determined the customer is an increased risk to protect the insurance company's interests.

    A Note About Lawsuits

    • If there is a dispute and the parties involved in the accident have to go to small claims court, the insurance company may assign a lawyer to handle the customer's case. This is only if that is a condition of the policy. Otherwise, the customer must hire a lawyer or represent himself in court. If it is determined the insurance company's customer is at fault, the insurer will usually pay the judgment on the customer's behalf.

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