Having trouble sleeping through the night? Not getting the rest you need? Feeling tired all day? Sleeping through meetings? Not enjoying life? This hypnosis program will put you to sleep every night easily and effortlessly.
Then, after three weeks of listening to it, you will be able to get to sleep easily on your own!!! No drugs!!! Sleep easily, effortlessly, and naturally so that you can enjoy your life and get the most out of it! Sleep is a natural state which gives your body a chance to rest and build up your strength, Insomnia is when you cant get to sleep or keep waking up through the night.
This CD or MP3 which promises that your insomnia nightmare can be over for good,sounds good doesn't it a chance to sleep through the night but for 35-35% of adult Americans suffer from one of three types of insomnia: Transient insomnia, lasts up to 1 week and is often known as adjustment sleep disorder.
Usually caused by stress of an event which is happening to the person in the next few days.
Short-term insomnia, lasts for 1-6 months and is usually caused by a persistent stressful situation or environmental factors.
Chronic insomnia is any insomnia lasts more than 6 months and caused by a variety of disorders We've all had insomnia at one time or another, and it seems to be the night before a important meeting or event that we need sleep to get through it and not running on fumes and feeling like a zombie.
Or there are the nights when we lie in bed watching the clock, try moving around, try drinking milk, hot chocolate, try sleeping pills just so we can get the sleep we need so we can function the next day.
Its worse when our partners can get to sleep the second their heads touch the pillow and whats more annoying is that they tend to be happy and perky the next morning while all you still want to do is sleep but the harder you try the less chance you have of actually sleeping.
Sleeping pills work and are available over the counter.
The problem with pills is, that you become addicted to them and the longer you take them, the more pills you need and it becomes a vicious cycle from there.
Insomnia can be irritating and disrupt your life causing you to have impaired ability to concentrate, poor memory, difficulty coping with minor irritations, and decreased ability to enjoy family and social relationships It makes you twice as likely to have a fatigue-related motor vehicle accident.
The mortality rate appears to be higher in people who get less than 5 hours of sleep per night than people that have around 8/9 hours sleep per night.
There are different things to try to help your insomnia, ease off the coffee, tea and high energy drinks a few hours before bedtime as the caffeine will act as a stimulant and drink water to help flush your system.
Do something that relaxes you and helps you to unwind like having a bath or watching TV but when you are fighting your eyes just to watch the end of a program, don't sit up, its your bodies way of needing to go to sleep.
Go to the toilet before bed and just before you want to go asleep, that way your bladder isn't keeping you awake or waking you up.
Get into a routine of going to bed or having a bath around the same time.
Hypnosis MP3 and CDs can make you sleep within minutes as it will put you into a deep relaxed state as you let your mind drift away and the next thing you know it's morning and you have managed to sleep through the night and wake up feeling like you can take on the world.
Why not give it a try, after all what have you got to lose apart from insomnia
Then, after three weeks of listening to it, you will be able to get to sleep easily on your own!!! No drugs!!! Sleep easily, effortlessly, and naturally so that you can enjoy your life and get the most out of it! Sleep is a natural state which gives your body a chance to rest and build up your strength, Insomnia is when you cant get to sleep or keep waking up through the night.
This CD or MP3 which promises that your insomnia nightmare can be over for good,sounds good doesn't it a chance to sleep through the night but for 35-35% of adult Americans suffer from one of three types of insomnia: Transient insomnia, lasts up to 1 week and is often known as adjustment sleep disorder.
Usually caused by stress of an event which is happening to the person in the next few days.
Short-term insomnia, lasts for 1-6 months and is usually caused by a persistent stressful situation or environmental factors.
Chronic insomnia is any insomnia lasts more than 6 months and caused by a variety of disorders We've all had insomnia at one time or another, and it seems to be the night before a important meeting or event that we need sleep to get through it and not running on fumes and feeling like a zombie.
Or there are the nights when we lie in bed watching the clock, try moving around, try drinking milk, hot chocolate, try sleeping pills just so we can get the sleep we need so we can function the next day.
Its worse when our partners can get to sleep the second their heads touch the pillow and whats more annoying is that they tend to be happy and perky the next morning while all you still want to do is sleep but the harder you try the less chance you have of actually sleeping.
Sleeping pills work and are available over the counter.
The problem with pills is, that you become addicted to them and the longer you take them, the more pills you need and it becomes a vicious cycle from there.
Insomnia can be irritating and disrupt your life causing you to have impaired ability to concentrate, poor memory, difficulty coping with minor irritations, and decreased ability to enjoy family and social relationships It makes you twice as likely to have a fatigue-related motor vehicle accident.
The mortality rate appears to be higher in people who get less than 5 hours of sleep per night than people that have around 8/9 hours sleep per night.
There are different things to try to help your insomnia, ease off the coffee, tea and high energy drinks a few hours before bedtime as the caffeine will act as a stimulant and drink water to help flush your system.
Do something that relaxes you and helps you to unwind like having a bath or watching TV but when you are fighting your eyes just to watch the end of a program, don't sit up, its your bodies way of needing to go to sleep.
Go to the toilet before bed and just before you want to go asleep, that way your bladder isn't keeping you awake or waking you up.
Get into a routine of going to bed or having a bath around the same time.
Hypnosis MP3 and CDs can make you sleep within minutes as it will put you into a deep relaxed state as you let your mind drift away and the next thing you know it's morning and you have managed to sleep through the night and wake up feeling like you can take on the world.
Why not give it a try, after all what have you got to lose apart from insomnia