Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Laws on Uncontrollable Dog Barking for Oklahoma


    • Dogs barking for more than 10 minutes in Tulsa, Oklahoma, constitutes a nuisance, according to the City of Tulsa website. Speak to the neighbor about the problem before contacting the police. If this proves ineffective, contact an investigator or the Mayor's Action Center, or report the violation through the City of Tulsa website. The offending neighbor will receive a warning letter describing Tulsa's nuisance law and suggestions for how to stop the barking, such as obedience training. If the barking continues, the City of Tulsa will send you a copy of the warning letter the neighbor received, along with follow-up information for additional actions to take.

    Oklahoma City and Sallisaw

    • According to the Animal League and Historic Center, "loud, frequent or habitual barking, howling, yelping or other noise or action that disturbs any person or neighborhood within the city limits" is a nuisance in Oklahoma City and Sallisaw, Oklahoma. Since owning an animal that is a nuisance is illegal in these areas of the state, you can call the animal control office to lodge a complaint. Afterward, an officer will investigate the animal's domicile and issue an order to the dog's owner to keep his pet in such a way that does not violate the ordinance. If the owner continues to violate the dog barking law, the animal control officer can file a complaint before a municipal court judge and may be authorized to impound and destroy the dog.


    • In Norman, Oklahoma, both noise control and animal control ordinances prohibit habitual dog barking, though neither ordinance specifies how long a dog has to bark before being considered a nuisance. The ordinances, however, also extend to public facilities such as dog pounds. If, however, you feel a neighbor's dog is a nuisance, and you live in Norman, file a complaint with the Norman Police Department, according to the City of Norman website. The police will then attempt to solve the problem through the city's dispute mediation program. If that is unsuccessful, the assistant city attorney determines whether the complaint should proceed to municipal court.

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