- Surprise the travel lover in your life with a great gift.christmas-gifts image by Maria Brzostowska from Fotolia.com
Traveling can be a great source of entertainment and personal fulfillment. Whether a person is stressed out or just needs to get away from it all with family and friends, traveling is a great way to rejuvenate, heal and refresh. When people in your life are gearing up for a vacation or frequently enjoy getting away, one of the most useful things you can give them is a travel-related present. - Get your friend or special someone a video or still camera to take along on the trip. It's a great way to help her capture special memories she can bring back from the vacation. If you're on a tight budget, opt for camera accessories instead, or a year-long subscription to a digital photo uploading site such as Flickr.
If you can afford digital video equipment, you don't have to settle for a mini video camera. Instead you can save a little cash by picking up a mini flip camcorder for the travel aficionado, which can run as low as $100. - For the travel lover who is also a gadget guru, an iPad is a must. While this pricey item ($500 and up) should be reserved for family members, really close friends or that special someone, it makes a fantastic travel gift. This compact, lightweight notebook allows travelers to access the Internet, e-mail and social networking sites to stay in touch with ease and to watch videos, read books, and even catch up on favorite TV shows.
If an iPad is too expensive, an iPod can be a great cheaper gift. The recipient can load music, television shows and movies onto the iPod, and it's so small that it's easy to travel with. - For a budget-friendly travel gift that's still useful, consider a digital luggage scale for a friend, significant other or family member who travels a lot. Peter Greenberg Worldwide recommends a miniature scale that retails for about $25. It hooks onto bags to help travelers avoid hefty fees that can result from overweight luggage.
The site also recommends picking up a power slide case that can double the battery power of cell phones. This is specifically helpful for those with iPhones, since the batteries run out quickly and must be charged frequently.
Video or Still Camera
IPads or iPods
Budget-Friendly Travel Gifts