- 1). Set your digital camera to the macro setting. This setting is used for close-up camera work and will capture the most details from your original photo.
- 2). Find a location with a strong light source. Direct sunlight often causes harsh reflections, but a location near a window in a well-lit room will work great. Do not place the photo directly underneath any light source because it will cause a glare.
- 3). Focus the camera on the tintype photo. Hold the camera parallel to the surface on which the tintype is placed. Move the camera to a position that is as close to the tintype as possible but still allows the entire tintype to be photographed.
- 4). Take several shots of the tintype photo. Review them and snap photos until you are satisfied that you have a good quality copy.
- 5). Backup the digital photo files to a digital media source, such as a CD, DVD, memory card or flash drive media. Keep the copies in a safe place.
- 6). Edit and retouch the digital files. Various photo editing programs can help you remove blemishes and spots from the digital copies of your tintype if you desire.