If your vagina smells like fish, then you must do something about it quick or else, you'll live a life that's full of embarrassment and, often, accompanying irritation.
There are various explanations why you are having foul vaginal odor.
But the most common explanation is bacterial vaginosis or BV.
You can confirm if you really are infected with BV or not by paying a visit to your doctor and submitting yourself for some necessary lab tests.
If you indeed have bacterial vaginosis, then that may explain why you there's a disgusting odor coming out from your vagina.
That foul smell is one of the few symptoms caused by BV.
Others are burning sensation, pelvic pain, itching and white/gray/yellowish discharge.
When a vagina smells like fish, you need to know what the likely cause is and what you can do to help yourself.
Information-gathering is not really that big of a task especially if you know exactly what to do.
Get familiar with bacterial vaginosis, understand its causes and symptoms and try to look for treatment options.
The good thing is that there are indeed ways in treating bacterial vaginosis.
One particular treatment option is using an antibiotic.
Your trusted health care professional can recommend certain antibiotics fpr your use.
Perhaps you have heard about the antibiotic Metronidazole with brand name Flagyl.
This antibiotic is taken orally as it is in the form of a pill, usually twice a day for a week.
There's also a Metronidazole in gel form called Metronidazole Gel or Metrogel.
You can use that as well.
Other antibiotics used to treat BV include Ampicillin, Tetracycline, Ceftriaxone and Clindamycin.
Keep in mind to follow instructions carefully regarding the use of such antibiotics.
Aside from using prescribed antibiotics, when your vagina smells like fish, you should also make use of certain tips to treat BV and prevent it from ever happening again.
One useful tip is to avoid douching.
A lot of women think that their vagina is not clean enough and that's why they got infected with bacterial vaginosis.
Douching is another way to further cleanse that particular private part of a woman.
Douching is rinsing out the vagina with either a special solution or just plain water.
While it may sound like a great way for the vagina to be cleansed, douching is not recommended since it can get you infected with BV.
How is that so, you may ask? Well, when you douche, you wash away all bacteria including the good bacteria that are fighting off the bad ones.
This makes your vagina more open to risk of infection.
That's why you need to avoid douching.
You should also abstain from sex especially if you are trying to treat your vaginal infection and relieve its symptoms.
Just like what they always say, don't scratch your wound if it's not completely healed.
Same thing is true with treating bacterial vaginosis.
You just have to focus on using the antibiotic prescribed by your doctor.
The things mentioned earlier are some of the stuff that you should do if your vagina smells like fish.
There are various explanations why you are having foul vaginal odor.
But the most common explanation is bacterial vaginosis or BV.
You can confirm if you really are infected with BV or not by paying a visit to your doctor and submitting yourself for some necessary lab tests.
If you indeed have bacterial vaginosis, then that may explain why you there's a disgusting odor coming out from your vagina.
That foul smell is one of the few symptoms caused by BV.
Others are burning sensation, pelvic pain, itching and white/gray/yellowish discharge.
When a vagina smells like fish, you need to know what the likely cause is and what you can do to help yourself.
Information-gathering is not really that big of a task especially if you know exactly what to do.
Get familiar with bacterial vaginosis, understand its causes and symptoms and try to look for treatment options.
The good thing is that there are indeed ways in treating bacterial vaginosis.
One particular treatment option is using an antibiotic.
Your trusted health care professional can recommend certain antibiotics fpr your use.
Perhaps you have heard about the antibiotic Metronidazole with brand name Flagyl.
This antibiotic is taken orally as it is in the form of a pill, usually twice a day for a week.
There's also a Metronidazole in gel form called Metronidazole Gel or Metrogel.
You can use that as well.
Other antibiotics used to treat BV include Ampicillin, Tetracycline, Ceftriaxone and Clindamycin.
Keep in mind to follow instructions carefully regarding the use of such antibiotics.
Aside from using prescribed antibiotics, when your vagina smells like fish, you should also make use of certain tips to treat BV and prevent it from ever happening again.
One useful tip is to avoid douching.
A lot of women think that their vagina is not clean enough and that's why they got infected with bacterial vaginosis.
Douching is another way to further cleanse that particular private part of a woman.
Douching is rinsing out the vagina with either a special solution or just plain water.
While it may sound like a great way for the vagina to be cleansed, douching is not recommended since it can get you infected with BV.
How is that so, you may ask? Well, when you douche, you wash away all bacteria including the good bacteria that are fighting off the bad ones.
This makes your vagina more open to risk of infection.
That's why you need to avoid douching.
You should also abstain from sex especially if you are trying to treat your vaginal infection and relieve its symptoms.
Just like what they always say, don't scratch your wound if it's not completely healed.
Same thing is true with treating bacterial vaginosis.
You just have to focus on using the antibiotic prescribed by your doctor.
The things mentioned earlier are some of the stuff that you should do if your vagina smells like fish.