- 1). Click the "Start" button on the Windows taskbar and type "dosbox.conf" (without quotation marks) in the search bar at the bottom of the menu.
- 2). Press the "Enter" key or click the magnifying glass icon to bring up the list of results. If it doesn't come up with any results, click "See more results," then click "Computer" at the bottom of the screen.
- 3). Right-click on the dosbox.conf file and click "Open with." Select "Notepad," and a text window will appear.
- 4). Look for the line "fullscreen=false" and change false to true. This works well on monitors that are 4:3, but if you are on a widescreen monitor, the image will appear stretched. To keep the screen 4:3, change fullscreen= back to false, and look for the line "windowresolution=original."
- 5). Delete original, and type the screen resolution you want the DOSBox window to open with. If you want it to open in 1024x768, change the line to "windowresolution=1024x768" (without quotation marks).
- 6). Click "File" and then click "Save" to save the changes.