- "The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon" is a platform adventure game released for the Nintendo Wii gaming console in October 2008. The main character, Spyro, is a small, purple dragon that has been the protagonist in a series of games dating back to the original PlayStation console. In "The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon," Spyro must go after an enemy named Dark Master Malefor with assistance from a character named Cynder, who was an enemy in previous games.
- "The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon" can be played as a single player or as two players. When playing with two players, one player is Spyro and the other is Cynder. Spyro's health and statistics appear in the upper left corner, while Cynder's appear in the upper right corner. Spyro's Combo Counter appears in the bottom left, while Cynder's Combo Counter is in the bottom right.
- Spyro and Cynder must collect crystals and other items throughout "Dawn of the Dragon." Among the items he must get are red, Fury, XP and green gems. Red, blue, life and element crystals must also be collected, as well as chests that contain armor.
- To make Spyro or Cynder jump, press the "A" button. Pressing the "A" button twice will result in a double jump. Pressing the "A" button twice and then holding it will make Spyro glide, while pressing "B" will result in a weak melee attack. Quickly snapping the Wii remote downward will result in a strong melee attack, while pressing "A" and "B" together will grab an enemy or perform an action. The "+" button switches characters, while the "--" button switches the game's elements.
Pressing the "1" button will pause the game, while pressing "2" will display the status and objectives of the active stage. The control stick of the remote's Nunchuk will move the active character, while turning the Nunchuk and pressing up will create a shield. Snapping the control stick forward will dodge an enemy, and hitting the "Z" button creates an element attack. If Spyro or Cynder's meter is full, players can hold down the "C" and "Z" buttons to go into Fury Mode. - The elements that characters can use in "Dawn of the Dragon" include fire, ice, earth, electricity, poison, wind, fear and shadow. Each element has moments and stages where it is most useful.
- The "Dawn of the Dragon" pause menu lets players have the option of continuing their game, switching to a different chapter, viewing bonus materials that have been earned, and changing options. The options that can be changed include language, subtitles, tutorial mode and sound.
What Are the Characters?
What Items Are Available?
What Functions Do the Controller Buttons Perform?
What Elements Are Used in the Game?
What Are the Menu Options?