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Lose Thigh Fat Tips Including Inner Thigh

Fat thighs is one of the major problem that people have regarding their physiques especially women. Naturally, our body tends to store body fat in these few favorite areas, like the triceps, butt, back and of course, the thighs. Here are some tips that you can follow to reduce those troubled thighs and tone them up so that is beachwear ready by the summer.

Lose thigh fat tip 1

There is no such thing as spot reduction. You have to get on a weight loss program that consists of sound weight training, cardio training and a well-planned diet to reduce your overall body fat.

Make sure you measure your current body fat now and also the girth size of your thighs. Then, set reasonable goals and aim to lose 1 pound of body fat a week. By reducing your body fat to a range of 20% to 27% percent body fat, your thighs will be smaller as your overall body fat goes down.

Lose thigh fat tip 2

It is during your cardio session that your body actually burns loads of fat. Remember, you have to exercise in order to lose healthy weight. Do not try to starve your self, as this will only set yourself to failure.

The stepper is an excellent choice to lose thigh fat. The stepper engages the butt muscles the most and because the glutes is the largest muscle group in the body, it can burn up the most calories compared to the other cardio machines.

The elliptical trainer is also another excellent choice but the only thing is that you have to use it the reverse way. Most elliptical machines allows movements forward and backwards, and by moving it back wards, you engage the hamstrings which is the muscles at the back of you thighs instead of the front ones which the quadriceps.

The hamstrings and the butt is the most troubled areas among females and thigh fat tend to store there.

Lose thigh fat tip 3

While doing cardio, especially the beginners, try not to over exert in the first few months. Stick to a heart rate of 60-70 % of your maximum heart rate. Why? This is because if your are just beginning to exercise and your train at a high intensity level, your body will tend to use sugar and protein as its energy sources instead of fats from the fat cells.

Only when you get fitter, around after 3 months of regular exercise, go all out and exercise at a high intensity level. Your body will be conditioned by then and will use fats from the fat cells.

Lose thigh fat tip 4

Never avoid weight training if you want a well toned and sculpted thighs. The lower body has the largest muscle groups and these muscles when developed can contribute major elevated metabolism benefits.

With weight training and increased muscle in the thighs, you are able to burn more calories while running and have more power to run faster and longer. This way, you can burn so much more calories compared to individuals who do not train their legs. Not to mention the extra calories burned during resting because of the elevated resting metabolic rate.

Lose thigh fat tip 5

In your weight-training program, make sure you cover all the muscles in the thighs to avoid muscular injury due to muscular imbalance. An overall strengthening program in the thighs also will really shape up your thighs for that lean sculpted look!

For quads, perform barbell squats and leg presses. Finish of with leg extension machines.

For hamstrings, the muscle behind you thighs, perform hamstring curls on the seated leg curl machine or lying down leg curl machine. Here is a damn important tip, while doing hamstring curls, point your toes downwards, this way you fully engage your hamstrings!

For the outside of your thighs, perform thigh abduction with the seated abductor machine. Do not; I repeat do not go too heavy on this exercise.

For the inner thighs, firm the inner thighs with seated adductor machine or perform squats by holding a dumbbell with both hands in the middle and feet pointing 45 degrees outwards.

To make heads turn on high heels, perform calve raises. Stand on the edge of a platform or anything that is elevated like a stairs, and tip toe, flexing the calf and go all the way down for a good stretch. Perform 20 to 25 reps on this exercise.

Except for the calves, perform 3 sets of each and complete above 12 reps not more than 20 reps. If you pass 20 reps, add in more weight because its not beneficial anymore. Do not worry on to bulky, for female, you cannot bulk up due to the natural lack of testosterone, but for male, stick to 20 reps.

Lose fat tip 6

All the cardio and exercises you do will not produce results if you do not go on a diet to create a calorie deficit. You need to burn 3500 calories to dump 1 pound of body fat. Get a well-planed diet so you do not deprive your self of food and stick to the weight loss program.

There is only on diet that I truly recommend that is the South Beach Diet. They also have online support, which I think its absolute crucial and effective to help you reach you fitness goals.

Lose thigh fat tip 7

Try using weight loss supplements like fat burners and natural weight loss supplements to help you lose thigh fat. They are proven to help you accelerate your fat loss. These supplements help you raise your metabolic rate and reduce your caloric intake making your fat loss efforts easier.

Lose thigh fat tip 8

Try using fat loss creams like transdermal gel. These fat loss creams may help you burn more fats in the thighs by assisting in the release of fats under the skin and be burned. The biggest mistake made my people is that they tend to use too much at one go. These extra release of fat is not able to be used up at one time hence the fat will be deposited back. Use little amount spreading across a palm size area.

Lose thigh fat tip 9

Do lots of stretching! The more range of motion you muscle can move, the more you can exercise it!

Lose thigh fat tip 10

Have faith! Exercise and never give up. One you gave up and lose momentum in exercising, you lose the war! Keep coming back for more tips and keep yourself motivated by mixing with highly motivated individuals that pulls you up not push you down!

There you go, 10 excellent tips to help you tone down your thighs.
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