Health & Medical Diabetes

Diabetes - Could Your Child Have It?

Obesity is on the rise in the United States, and it isn't news that many of the increasingly obese are children.
Along with this trend has come another even more disturbing trend and that's the rise of type 2 diabetes among children.
If you suspect that your child might have diabetes, there are things you can do.
The first thing is to examine the symptoms.
Type 2 diabetes can develop slowly and some children won't show any signs or experience any symptoms, but those you should watch for are: 1.
Increased thirst and frequent urination
When sugar builds up in the bloodstream, fluid is pulled from the tissues.
The result is thirst.
As your child drinks more than usual, they may also urinate more than usual.
Increased hunger
When there isn't enough insulin, sugar can't move into the cells and the child's muscles and organs run out of energy.
This leads to hunger.
Weight loss
Even though your child may be eating more than ever, the energy that sugar supplies isn't reaching the cells and so the muscle tissues and fat stores are shrinking.
As a result, your child may actually be losing weight.
When sugar doesn't reach the cells, the result is tiredness and irritability.
Blurred vision
When the blood sugar is too high, fluid may be drawn away from the lenses of the eyes, which can affect the ability to focus clearly.
Slow-healing of sores and/or frequent infections
Diabetes can affect your child's ability to resist infections and to heal.
Areas of darkened skin
One sign of insulin resistance is a condition called acantosis nigricans, dark, velvety skin in the body's folds and creases (e.
, in the armpits and neck).
The next thing you should consider is your child's risk.
· Does your child have a body mass index (BMI) over the 85th percentile? · Do they have parent, grandparent, sibling, aunt, uncle, or cousin with type 2 diabetes? · Is your child African-American, Hispanic, Native American, or Asian-American? · Is your child a girl? (Childhood diabetes is more common in girls than boys.
) · Is your child overweight and/or inactive? Type 2 diabetes is a serious and complex disease, but it is a treatable one, and the sooner it is diagnosed, the sooner that treatment can start.
If you suspect that you child might have type 2 diabetes, these signs and symptoms may help you decide if it's time to make a doctor's appointment.
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