Health & Medical Anti Aging

Wrinkle Removing Cream And Beautiful Summer Skin

It is a challenge to care for your skin and be with the season"s trends in the scorching heat. But women who use a scientifically-advanced wrinkle removing cream with SPF in it face no such challenges. For them, skin care becomes easy and fun and looking trendy is the norm.

Summer is here; so are lazy afternoons, humidity, dusty wind, and the urge to have a beach party. Before your skin starts dripping of oil and starts spotting unwanted blemishes and uneven patches, it is time to arm yourself with smart tips to combat the summer heat. Keep your skin cool and happy.

Sun protection
The first step of skin care during summer is protection from the sun. Whether you live in Arizona, Alaska, Washington, or New York, or any Canadian state, the sun will inflict equal damage to your skin. Don"t step out of your house without covering the exposed part of your skin with adequate sunscreen. This is not just for the face, but also the exposed parts of your arms, legs, neck, chest, and back.

So, if you are planning to wear a strapless dress, make sure you have ample sunscreen on your shoulders too. Going out on a cloudy day? This is no excuse to skip the sunscreen. Ultraviolet rays are known to penetrate the clouds and reach the dermis of your skin. They destroy fibril network and break down collagen, causing your skin to shrivel up and become dull.

An advanced wrinkle removing cream contains in-built sunscreen. This saves you from spending money on buying a separate sunscreen lotion. A single slather of this cream takes care of the aging process from inside the skin and protects it from one of its biggest enemies, the sun.

What better time to show off skin than in the summer? Make sure your skin is soft, smooth, and glowing with health. For this you must exfoliate your skin once a week or a fortnight. Use high quality exfoliator that does not hurt the skin with harsh scrubs. Microdermabrasion cream from Hydroxatone skin care is a good choice. It contains micro beads that offer excellent skin exfoliation.

Although the skin has a natural ability to shed off dead cell layer from the surface, with age this ability slows down. This leads to accumulation of dead cell layer on the surface, making your face appear dull and worn-out. Exfoliation removes this layer and brings out fresh, radiant skin.

Go light in makeup
Summer calls for lightness and freshness. Layering is not for this season, whether in clothes or on your face. So, stack away your rich foundations and moisturizers. Choose oil-free makeup, light moisturizers, and superior products like Hydroxatone am pm. They stop aging in its tracks, keep skin hydrated, and offer sun protection.

Ditch heavy eyeliners and dark eye shadows. Choose more natural shades. Why not experiment with lighter, more vibrant shades in makeup? They perk up your face. Choose water-proof mascara and liners so that they can endure sweat and rain without smudging.

For those above 25 or 30, a wrinkle removing cream can serve as a handy beauty item for summer. It repairs, nourishes, moisturizes, and protects skin. Such skin glows with youthfulness and can look beautiful without makeup.
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