Health & Medical Anti Aging

Skincare Tips for Menopause

We've had to go through puberty, then pregnancy, next up - menopause! What new form of hell will we be afflicted with now? Unfortunately, a lot.
But I'm not going to get into hot flashes and weight gain.
Skincare, pre and post menopause will give me enough to write about.
Estrogen has become our nemesis.
Basically we need estrogen for our skin to function properly.
Without it, the key cells in the skin loose elasticity, evenness of skin color, skin sensitivities and even hair production and the production of skin oils.
Unfortunately, in menopause we lose much of our estrogen which is going to cause changes in our skin's appearance.
Below is a list of things to look forward to:! • Loss of collagen which help plump the skin • Skin becomes thin and loose • Dry wrinkly skin • Less hair on the head and more on the face • Easier bruising and longer healing times What should we do to make this transition through menopause less evil? Even if the rest of your body might be falling apart, you might as well look good while it's happening! If you're not of the type to have a few nips and tucks here and there, there are basic aids you can employ to reduce the effects of menopause.
Because our body is being depleted of collagen, look for skin products that contain collagen, There are many types of glycosamine supplements to be found at the pharmacy or health store which not only help your skin, but also your joints.
To help thicken skin and cull the dead skin cells, use products with Alpha-Beta Hydroxy Acids (AHA).
Always wear sunscreen when taking AHAs since it may increase your sun sensitivity.
Always use sun protection when outdoors, even in the winter.
There are lots of cosmetic foundations available these days that offer sunscreen.
Aging skin loses this ability to retain water and needs some help to some of the water loss.
Use a body lotion which can act as a barrier against moisture loss, at the same time replacing lost moisture.
Seaweed or algae extracts make great facials as they provide essential moisture holding agents.
Eat lots of anti-oxidant foods.
Research has shown that foods high in anti-oxidants combat and protect us from many internal things as we age.
Broccoli, tomatoes, berries, garlic and green tea are included in some of the top anti-oxidant foods.
The natural and gradual loss of anti-oxidants in our system is the cause of much of our skin deterioration.
On the good side of things, menopause ends at some point and we no longer have to suffer hot flashes.
But proper skincare should last forever.
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