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Dating Multiple Women To Maximize Your Success

To date like anything else is a skill. The more you practice, the battle you will get at it. When it comes to women and dating, this truth holds firm. Each woman you meet is quite different from the last, and their personalities and responses to questions can be quite different. It's extremely important that you date multiple women, to get over any kind of shyness or awkwardness you may have around women. If you don't know what to say on the date, try to find a subject the girl is interested in talking about. The great thing is women love to talk about themselves, so once you hit a cord, and get them on the subject they are interested in, women will often carry most of the conversation. Be a good listener.

The point I'm trying to make is that you need as much practice as you can possibly get when it comes to being around women, and during. When dating you should be in your comfort zone. And that means dating as many women as you can possibly fit into your schedule, to practice as much as you can. It's important that when you date the right girl, that you already have the built-in social skills that make her your girlfriend .

We'll just vibe better with some women than others, and dating multiple women give you the opportunity to pick your favorite of the batch. Women are attracted to confidence in a man, and coming off shy or awkward will destroy your chances of becoming boyfriend material. By practicing dating, like any other skill you will get better at it the more you do it, and you will in turn give yourself many more opportunities dating new and unique women. Make the very best one your girlfriend. By taking the best choice, and knowing her when she comes along, will give you much more respect for her, and greatly increases the chances of a long-lasting relationship, because you've chosen her over so many others. If she knows that you have selected her, from amongst other women that you are dating, this will make her feel special and definitely build her attraction for you.

As a man you should be to selector or not the selectee. You do not want to settle with you can settle for. Instead you deserve the best. Consider yourself the trophy. You're the prize. If you come off with this mind-set to a girl, she will I you that much more attractive. You probably use the man that are attracted to her, I'm by playing it off like you're not at first, will make her work that much harder to gain your attention. This will build on your attractiveness to her tenfold.

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