Before we take a look at ways to get rid of yeast infection, let's look at what exactly a yeast infection is.
We as humans have bacterial all over our bodies.
We have good and bad.
When the good and bad bacteria become unbalanced and there is an overgrowth of bad bacteria, this is when a yeast infection occurs.
Since we already have yeast or candida on our bodies, we can get an overgrowth of this when our bodies are disrupted in some way.
Things like taking antibiotics for other infections (example: sinus infection or UTI), pregnancy, taking birth control pills, receiving chemo, high sugar intake and having your period, are all things that increases the chances that you will develop an infection.
There are of course traditional medical ways to get rid of yeast infection.
People, up to recently, thought that if you had signs of a yeast infection you should go see your doctor and get an antibiotic to treat it.
Antibiotics do attack the bad bacteria and kill it off.
But they also attack and kill the good bacteria that your body needs to maintain balance.
In addition, if you use these antibiotics over and over again you will most certainly become immune to the very antibiotics that you may need in the future.
Natural, holistic ways of treating an infection not only attack the bad bacteria but they promote the development of healthy bacteria at the same time.
By controlling and limiting the growth of the candida albicans it's possible to eliminate all the uncomfortable symptoms that go along with a yeast infection, and stop future infections from starting.
These holistic cures are not expensive or dangerous and most all of them will provide immediate relief of symptoms! Something as simple as making some changes to your diet is one way to control your infections.
By decreasing the amount of sugar you consume is a good change of habit.
Yeast loves sugar and feeds off of it.
Certain herbs are know to help keep the body in balance and prevent infections.
Applying Raw garlic can eliminate even the most uncomfortable kind of yeast infections.
Cider vinegar is another natural treatment option.
Just rubbing this on the affected area a couple times a day is a way to kill of yeast and give immediate relief of symptoms.
Tea tree oil is another thing you can apply to your infections for treatment and relief of symptoms.
Creating and keeping the right internal balance is the key to avoiding future yeast infections.
Some small lifestyle changes will make all the difference and help you to maintain a healthy 'yeast free' life!
We as humans have bacterial all over our bodies.
We have good and bad.
When the good and bad bacteria become unbalanced and there is an overgrowth of bad bacteria, this is when a yeast infection occurs.
Since we already have yeast or candida on our bodies, we can get an overgrowth of this when our bodies are disrupted in some way.
Things like taking antibiotics for other infections (example: sinus infection or UTI), pregnancy, taking birth control pills, receiving chemo, high sugar intake and having your period, are all things that increases the chances that you will develop an infection.
There are of course traditional medical ways to get rid of yeast infection.
People, up to recently, thought that if you had signs of a yeast infection you should go see your doctor and get an antibiotic to treat it.
Antibiotics do attack the bad bacteria and kill it off.
But they also attack and kill the good bacteria that your body needs to maintain balance.
In addition, if you use these antibiotics over and over again you will most certainly become immune to the very antibiotics that you may need in the future.
Natural, holistic ways of treating an infection not only attack the bad bacteria but they promote the development of healthy bacteria at the same time.
By controlling and limiting the growth of the candida albicans it's possible to eliminate all the uncomfortable symptoms that go along with a yeast infection, and stop future infections from starting.
These holistic cures are not expensive or dangerous and most all of them will provide immediate relief of symptoms! Something as simple as making some changes to your diet is one way to control your infections.
By decreasing the amount of sugar you consume is a good change of habit.
Yeast loves sugar and feeds off of it.
Certain herbs are know to help keep the body in balance and prevent infections.
Applying Raw garlic can eliminate even the most uncomfortable kind of yeast infections.
Cider vinegar is another natural treatment option.
Just rubbing this on the affected area a couple times a day is a way to kill of yeast and give immediate relief of symptoms.
Tea tree oil is another thing you can apply to your infections for treatment and relief of symptoms.
Creating and keeping the right internal balance is the key to avoiding future yeast infections.
Some small lifestyle changes will make all the difference and help you to maintain a healthy 'yeast free' life!