Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Brain Injury - Don"t Ignore That Minor Bump

According to a survey by the Brain Injury Association close to a million people in the United States alone experience some form of brain injury every year.
Of this 50,000 encounter serious injuries to their brains and usually have to get specialized attention.
About 900,000 of them experience just small injuries that may however be fatal if not treated.
To get a clear picture of how the brain works and why we need to be extra careful to protect it, I will go through a few of its functions as well as its structure.
Its importance The human brain is the most wonderful organ known to us.
It is also the most complex organ of the central nervous system controlling virtually all the functions of the body.
It is made up of billions of nerve cells linked to one another each with its own functions.
Due to the many nerves and cells it contains the brain is susceptible to injuries due t its delicate nature.
Despite the skull as well as other forms of protections to ensure the brain is protected from some of the bumps we get so often there are extreme pressures which these mechanisms cannot handle.
Functions The brain has a number of very vital functions.
It is responsible for autonomic functions such as breathing, swallowing, and regulation among others.
It also stores information and processing information that it receives from sensory organs such as the eyes, ears, nose as well as the tongue.
Occurrence of brain injuries The area most susceptible to most head injuries is the front part of the head.
This is because it is where the skull is, most bony and sharp.
If hit by a blunt object or any excessive force subjected to that part of the head the brain may bleed leading to multiple complications.
Another possible scenario that may lead to your brain getting hurt is as a result of shearing tearing, stretching of cells in the brain.
This may lead to slow processing of information on a victim as well as reduction in response to different body actions.
Leading causes The leading causes of brain injuries also called Traumatic Brain Injury are auto accidents; sports related injuries, falls, as well as electric shocks.
What to do If you get a head injury it is highly recommended that you visit a hospital and get checked because however small the accident maybe your brain might have gotten injured.
There is sophisticated equipment to check the situation of the brain in most hospitals today.
Magnetic resonanceImaging commonly known as MRI is one of the methods used to detect brain injuries.
Apart from this the doctor should be able to use other methods to be able to ascertain the condition of your brain.
The way forward As mentioned earlier in most cases, most head injuries are usually ignored but may lead to very fatal problems.
Therefore the most important thing to remember is to always treat any head injury however small it maybe very cautiously.
Concussions have been known to result to impairments that last a lifetime simply because action was not taken.
Next time you get your head bumped on the car door don't ignore it go get checked out and you might just save yourself from a terminal illness
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