- 1). Perform a 30-minute cardio workout daily, to lessen the fats that cause cellulite.
- 2). Do exercise to increase the strength of your leg muscles, thus reducing cellulite. Useful exercises include squats, forward lunges, side squats and rear lunges.
- 3). Use gym machinery to further build the strength of your subcutaneous muscles. Do leg presses, as well as seated leg curls.
- 4). Laser cellulite reduction is optional which, in two sessions a week, uses laser treatments to stimulate changes in the collagen fibers in the legs. Laser reduction constructs an even skin exterior that lasts up to six months.
- 5). Use reputable cellulite creams to smooth the appearance of your skin. Creams cannot actually remove cellulite, and do not have long-lasting results, but they temporarily provide a smoother skin appearance.