If you've met an incredible guy, making him yours is your goal. Good men are few and far between and when you find one that you're attracted to and you start experiencing those first few pangs of a new love, you obviously want him to feel the same way about you. Leaving all that to fate or chance isn't the best course of action. You have to be proactive when you want a guy to fall in love with you. You need to learn how to appeal to his heart directly so he has absolutely no choice but to fall completely head over heels for you.
Making him yours is all about creating an unbreakable emotional bond with him. One way to do this is to treat him in a way that no other woman ever has. When a couple is just starting to explore a new relationship with one another they each tend to focus more on themselves. They want to put their best foot forward and they want to make a strong impression on their potential mate. Men are used to women doing this. It comes through in many forms but typically it's all about the woman talking non-stop about herself, dressing in a much too provocative way or embellishing details about her life all in an effort to impress.
You need to be different. Instead of trying to woo him with your accomplishments and bubbly personality, focus on him. Make him feel special by spending your time asking questions about his life. Don't come across as too nosy. You just want to show him that you find him interesting and special. If a woman can make a man feel valued and appreciated, even in the early stages of a dating relationship, he'll feel drawn towards her. He wants to know that your main concern is him so keep things focused on him for now.
Keeping him on the edge of his seat is another way of making him yours. Men love excitement in their lives and they crave to be with a woman who is unpredictable. Plan dates for the two of you. If you take the initiative he'll absolutely love that. Don't just stick to the traditional dinner and a movie outings. Think outside the box. Men love physical activities so plan a rock climbing adventure or a Saturday afternoon roller derby match. If you do things like this he'll eagerly wait for the next date when he gets to see what you have in store for him.
Making him yours is all about creating an unbreakable emotional bond with him. One way to do this is to treat him in a way that no other woman ever has. When a couple is just starting to explore a new relationship with one another they each tend to focus more on themselves. They want to put their best foot forward and they want to make a strong impression on their potential mate. Men are used to women doing this. It comes through in many forms but typically it's all about the woman talking non-stop about herself, dressing in a much too provocative way or embellishing details about her life all in an effort to impress.
You need to be different. Instead of trying to woo him with your accomplishments and bubbly personality, focus on him. Make him feel special by spending your time asking questions about his life. Don't come across as too nosy. You just want to show him that you find him interesting and special. If a woman can make a man feel valued and appreciated, even in the early stages of a dating relationship, he'll feel drawn towards her. He wants to know that your main concern is him so keep things focused on him for now.
Keeping him on the edge of his seat is another way of making him yours. Men love excitement in their lives and they crave to be with a woman who is unpredictable. Plan dates for the two of you. If you take the initiative he'll absolutely love that. Don't just stick to the traditional dinner and a movie outings. Think outside the box. Men love physical activities so plan a rock climbing adventure or a Saturday afternoon roller derby match. If you do things like this he'll eagerly wait for the next date when he gets to see what you have in store for him.