You and your wife started out in love with each other, you got married, but over time things changed.
Your marriage is on the rocks, she's filing for divorce, she is cheating on you, she's already moved out.
She simply is not attracted to you any more.
Does this sound familiar? Then wake up and learn what women want and save your marriage.
You realise the serious consequences of the aftermath of divorce - broken family, upset children, assets halved.
Your marriage is important to you but you are not sure how to save it.
The answer is easy.
Learn what women want to save your marriage.
Women are complicated beings.
On the one hand they expect and deserve equality in the workforce and in society.
And women over the decades have definitely earned that right, 100%.
However in the marriage women are looking for a leader.
Your wife may not be aware of it but at a biological level, women are attracted to strong powerful leaders.
It is all in the genes.
When you first started dating you had hunter instincts.
You were the leader of the hunt.
Your effective leadership diminished as time moved on.
The significance of leadership had probably not crossed your mind! But leadership is everything to your wife's sex drive! When a woman is being led by a loving, fun, charismatic leader, she will do anything to make him happy.
Believe it.
You need to reprogramme yourself back into hunter mode so that you are more charismatic, stronger, and sexier.
Become just like you were when you first started the relationship with your wife.
It's about remembering who that guy was - that guy your wife fell in love with, and re- waking him.
Wake up the "sleeping lion" inside of you - the dynamic, exciting leader your wife fell in love with in the first place! When that happens, your wife's sex drive will sense that she's in the presence of a true leader, and her attraction for you will go through the roof! Release those qualities locked inside of you to become that amazing, compelling, dynamic leader; And then let biology take care of the rest! This is not about changing who you are it is about becoming who you once were.
So why do women want leadership? The reason relates to the survival of mankind.
We were blessed with sex drive not just for pleasure but to procreate.
And who best to ensure the survival of mankind than a strong powerful leader.
Your wife's biological programming tells her she needs that from you.
All women subconsciously test their man's leadership abilities.
Would you pass the test? The longer you wait to action to save your marriage, the tougher it's going to be.
The secret to saving your marriage lies in building attraction, not in solving problems.
A woman's personal decisions are often based on emotion rather than logic! Therefore communicating by apologizing, discussing, compromising, grovelling or begging just does not work.
All these approaches are logic-based, and they actually kill the attraction to each other.
You may get agreement but seconds later if her emotions get in the way she will do something completely different.
You need to establish what it is that attracts your wife so that her love for you will blossom and continue forever.
Become the king of your life, your home, and your marriage! Your family relies on you to be the rock, to call the shots and make the decisions! You are the family leader because you found out what women want in order to save your marriage.
Your marriage is on the rocks, she's filing for divorce, she is cheating on you, she's already moved out.
She simply is not attracted to you any more.
Does this sound familiar? Then wake up and learn what women want and save your marriage.
You realise the serious consequences of the aftermath of divorce - broken family, upset children, assets halved.
Your marriage is important to you but you are not sure how to save it.
The answer is easy.
Learn what women want to save your marriage.
Women are complicated beings.
On the one hand they expect and deserve equality in the workforce and in society.
And women over the decades have definitely earned that right, 100%.
However in the marriage women are looking for a leader.
Your wife may not be aware of it but at a biological level, women are attracted to strong powerful leaders.
It is all in the genes.
When you first started dating you had hunter instincts.
You were the leader of the hunt.
Your effective leadership diminished as time moved on.
The significance of leadership had probably not crossed your mind! But leadership is everything to your wife's sex drive! When a woman is being led by a loving, fun, charismatic leader, she will do anything to make him happy.
Believe it.
You need to reprogramme yourself back into hunter mode so that you are more charismatic, stronger, and sexier.
Become just like you were when you first started the relationship with your wife.
It's about remembering who that guy was - that guy your wife fell in love with, and re- waking him.
Wake up the "sleeping lion" inside of you - the dynamic, exciting leader your wife fell in love with in the first place! When that happens, your wife's sex drive will sense that she's in the presence of a true leader, and her attraction for you will go through the roof! Release those qualities locked inside of you to become that amazing, compelling, dynamic leader; And then let biology take care of the rest! This is not about changing who you are it is about becoming who you once were.
So why do women want leadership? The reason relates to the survival of mankind.
We were blessed with sex drive not just for pleasure but to procreate.
And who best to ensure the survival of mankind than a strong powerful leader.
Your wife's biological programming tells her she needs that from you.
All women subconsciously test their man's leadership abilities.
Would you pass the test? The longer you wait to action to save your marriage, the tougher it's going to be.
The secret to saving your marriage lies in building attraction, not in solving problems.
A woman's personal decisions are often based on emotion rather than logic! Therefore communicating by apologizing, discussing, compromising, grovelling or begging just does not work.
All these approaches are logic-based, and they actually kill the attraction to each other.
You may get agreement but seconds later if her emotions get in the way she will do something completely different.
You need to establish what it is that attracts your wife so that her love for you will blossom and continue forever.
Become the king of your life, your home, and your marriage! Your family relies on you to be the rock, to call the shots and make the decisions! You are the family leader because you found out what women want in order to save your marriage.