Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

A Helpful Guide To Office Romance

Office romance is a subject that usually sparks a lot of debate. One thing that people agree on is that office romance is pretty common in many offices. This should not be a surprise at all. The office is the place that we spend most of our time and, it is only natural for people to know each other in a more intimate way. This automatically leads to an attraction which can best be described on the lines of romance. Romance is something that all people who are breathing are capable of and more so, people working closely together. The question that comes up on romance in the office is whether it is right or wrong. There are very many companies which have had policies that bar employees from dating each other. However, some of these rules are becoming of the past as society becomes more liberal. There are very many people who have found spouses in the work place. Therefore, the office is a very safe environment in which you can meet a better half. However, there are very many downsides as well as upsides when it comes to this kind of romance.

Some of the advantages of office romance have been found to be as follows. First, when people love their co workers and colleagues, they will look forward to go to work. Therefore, in many ways, the morale and motivation to come to work will be improved. Also, since there is a deeper connection, there will be a lot less arguments compared to offices where love is not present. Office romance is not perfect and often, there will be breakups. This means that the drama will be brought to the office. This can affect the productivity of employees and can also lead to loss of good workers. If people fall in love and marry, there will be good employees lost also because one partner will decide to quit and raise the children. Life is full of challenges and love in the office is no exception.

When you are a worker in an office, it therefore becomes very necessary for you to have the relevant information that is going to enable you sail above the drama. You need to know some of the rules of office romance. The first rule is that you should not be naive. This means that even if you identify someone to love, do not love foolishly. Find a way to always maintain your dignity and maturity while admiring someone. Make sure that you touch with wisdom. This is because there are many harassment lawsuits filled every year. You do not want to have a suit on your head. Therefore, when you are not sure, keep your hands to yourself. Another rule that you might find very helpful is never to let your emotions guide you at work. You cannot trust yourself to make proper judgment at work, when you are dealing with someone you love. If you do not want to loose your livelihood; be focused. When you really fall in love, just follow your heart.
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