- 1). Download the extraction tool at the following location:
Extract the downloaded files into your Java directory. - 2). Instantiate the class and assign it to a variable. Once the class is instantiated, you can use its methods and properties:
DataFile dataclass = DataFile.createReader("8859_1"); - 3). Indicate the file format. The following code opens the file and tells the class that the file format is comma delimited, with the first row indicating the column header names:
dataclass.setDataFormat(new CSVFormat());
dataclass.containsHeader(true); - 4). Import the data into memory. The following syntax opens the CSV file from the hard drive:
dataclass.open(new File("c:\\myfile.csv")); - 5). Read the first row of data. The code below uses the opened file variable to read the first record and store it into a variable for display:
DataRow firstrow = dataclass.next();
String firstrecord = firstrow.getString(0); - 6). Print the record to the console for display. Now the data can be used within the code or displayed to the use. The following code prints it to the screen: