Email marketing can be great.
I've been doing it for over 5 years going on six.
I have great success with it.
However, some marketers can't seem to get it to work at all for them.
But why? Why is it that some people can make tons of money with email marketing and others can't make squat? Well, this article is going to try to provide you with some answers.
Hopefully, after reading this, your emails will start to generate the kind of income that you were expecting.
At the top of the list is you subject.
You can't get people to open your email with a bland and boring subject.
Something like, "A Personal Message" isn't going to do it.
Who cares if it's a personal message, which it really isn't.
You need to tell the person why they have to open your email.
You have to give them a reason.
So let's say you're selling a product on how to build a deck.
A subject like "3 Killer Tips On How To Build A Sun Deck" might just get your target market to open your email.
Of course the actual message of your email better deliver.
If you tell them in the subject that you're going to give them those tips then the email itself better do just that.
If it doesn't, what happens is you have broken a trust.
You told them one thing and then delivered something else.
Do you think if you do this that anybody is going to buy from you? This whole business is about trust.
Break that trust and you have no chance.
After you've delivered on your promise, you then need a strong call to action to go to your site to get more info.
That's after all why you emailed them.
You want them to go to your site.
So don't be shy.
Tell them to go to your site.
Tell them what they're going to find when they arrive.
Make it sound like not going is going to be a big mistake and that they're going to lose out.
Fear of loss is a big motivator for people.
If you follow these simple tips, you'll discover that your email marketing campaigns will run a lot better and you'll make a heck of a lot more money in the process.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim
I've been doing it for over 5 years going on six.
I have great success with it.
However, some marketers can't seem to get it to work at all for them.
But why? Why is it that some people can make tons of money with email marketing and others can't make squat? Well, this article is going to try to provide you with some answers.
Hopefully, after reading this, your emails will start to generate the kind of income that you were expecting.
At the top of the list is you subject.
You can't get people to open your email with a bland and boring subject.
Something like, "A Personal Message" isn't going to do it.
Who cares if it's a personal message, which it really isn't.
You need to tell the person why they have to open your email.
You have to give them a reason.
So let's say you're selling a product on how to build a deck.
A subject like "3 Killer Tips On How To Build A Sun Deck" might just get your target market to open your email.
Of course the actual message of your email better deliver.
If you tell them in the subject that you're going to give them those tips then the email itself better do just that.
If it doesn't, what happens is you have broken a trust.
You told them one thing and then delivered something else.
Do you think if you do this that anybody is going to buy from you? This whole business is about trust.
Break that trust and you have no chance.
After you've delivered on your promise, you then need a strong call to action to go to your site to get more info.
That's after all why you emailed them.
You want them to go to your site.
So don't be shy.
Tell them to go to your site.
Tell them what they're going to find when they arrive.
Make it sound like not going is going to be a big mistake and that they're going to lose out.
Fear of loss is a big motivator for people.
If you follow these simple tips, you'll discover that your email marketing campaigns will run a lot better and you'll make a heck of a lot more money in the process.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim