- 1). Stare at vibrant green once a day for as long as your eyes and mind can handle. Take in the color while you relax. Accept the color for what it is without forming thoughts of stereotypes about it. According to the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, "Green stimulates the pituitary gland and nervous system." This stimulation should begin to calm and soothe you within a few minutes.
- 2). Incorporate more greens into your wardrobe. Steer clear of institutional green, which can cause an opposite feeling of well-being. Institutional green is a dull, flat, light green color naturally occurring in the mineral, Chromium (III) oxide.
- 3). Change the color of your bedroom drapes and bedding to green. Your bedroom should be a place of relaxation and rest. Adding more green to a bedroom will help you do just that.
- 4). Buy sunglasses with green lenses and wear them for as long as it is comfortable.
- 5). Add more green to your bathroom, as this is the other place of relaxation in your home.