Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

How To Become A Greater Hip Hop Music Producer Using Jake One Instrumentals And Drum Kits

With the sonic influence of Seattle music producer Jake One at your fingertips, the opportunity to excel at Hip Hop production can be a very promising one if you are a talented and focused beat maker. However, since the access to the sonics of Jake One instrumentals and drum kits are just as accessible to other aspiring producers as well it is up to you to outdo the competition in order to maintain your edge in creating beats.

Preparing for an increase in your skill as a producer of beats entails a certain awareness of your strengths, weaknesses and work threshold. It is well known that most highly-regarded producers have spent hours and hours of labor-intensive work in their studio in order to refine their sound, sometimes missing out on regular aspects of daily life to meet their goal. The good thing about producing is that you are your own boss and can set your own goals according to your preferred pace. Here are some essential tips which can help you to accelerate the quality of your beats and producing skill based on study of commonly used methods:

Get acquainted with a set up of pro audio music gear which will allow you transfer your beat ideas from inside your head and into reality at the fastest and easiest way possible. Many producers often get caught up in the misconception that they must use a specific set of gear that some other legendary producer has used or else their music will never be good. This notion is far from the truth and if there is one thing that should be remembered when shopping for audio gear is that the man (or woman) behind the machine is what ultimately makes the music. Of course we all have our influences of artists who we look up to as a beacon of light by studying each element which creates the magic inside their studio. However don't get too caught up in the light of your idols and make sure at some point you become self-reliant when it comes to gear choices.

The same advice of becoming a self-reliant as a producer applies when selecting and refining the library of sounds which you create and compile for use in your production. Whether you choose to use Jake One drum kits, dusty samples from vinyl records or a combination of both, be inspired by your influential producers but trust the voice within you when making decisions above all. As you make more of your own choices you become a leader and leadership is one of the most remarkable traits of any renowned music producer. If you plan to use the direct influence of Jake's music as a basis of how to refine a good sound library, venture into the Soul music of The 70's recorded by a wide range of well-known and obscure artists. By studying the design of individual percussion sounds contained in a Jake One drum kit, you can gain insight into designing your own drum library and signature sound.

In order to become better as a producer, it requires some mental and physical conditioning in order to sustain the labor which will eventually lead to your musical progression. Many famous figures of music have been known to put in the longest hours which their body can take for extended periods of time. It is ultimately your choice to decide how far you are willing to push yourself but generally it is best to judge how your body and mind react to the amount of labor which you choose.

One of the parts of your body which receives the most pressure during sustained hours in the studio is your wrist from clicking your mouse and playing instruments. Go for a medical checkup regularly and allow the doctor to test your wrist, in this exam he or she will tap it's surface as a test of your reflexes and provide advice on how the studio labor is affecting your body. As you receive professional medical advice at least twice a year, you will be in good shape for the studio as your physician gives a diagnosis of reflex ability in addition to the amount of sleep and nutrition you should receive.

It can be quite frustrating to accumulate many hours in the studio only to find out that your music is subject to numerous sample clearance laws once you try to release it. Jake One instrumentals draw from samples of music from 70's Soul artists as a new interpretation of this classic sound into new instrumental collages, music which is known to the common Hip Hop fan as beats. This art of production is fascinating but follow it with caution and good study of how Jake approaches it as both a craft and profession. In order to avoid being sued by the artists which he samples from, Jake takes a number of steps in the studio to either fly under the sampling radar of record companies or create completely original music from scratch.

To use these methods of precaution and avoid trouble as a producer inspired by samples, first do your research on the groups which you are considering to sample. Have they been fairly cooperative in clearing sample usage with other producers who have used their music? Did their music come out on a small and obscure label? If so, your chances are good that you can sample their music. The truth is that many artists who were not necessarily successful in their day as musicians are happy to pick up the phone and hear that all of a sudden they can make publishing income from a new producer such as yourself sampling and reviving their music commercially.

Above all, it is best to find the contact information of the artist you are considering for a sample to find out how they feel about being sampled. If all else fails, hire a musician to replay the sample you were considering as an original composition of music. A sample replay is good exercise to accelerate your skill as a producer since a whole new set of skills and understanding of music creation comes into play that is non-existent in sampling a segment of music from pre-existent recordings.

Make sure you have fun in your journey toward new achievements in music, when this part exist everything else becomes easier. Studying the greatness of Jake One's production is a great place to start but also make sure to place yourself in the heat of competition from other producers who you admire and have access to either online or in person. Like an athlete training for a big game, the immediate influence of your competitors and inspirational figures goes a long way toward improving your strength, skill and endurance in the game of Hip Hop music production.
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