Canada - 04-29-09 - Oak Bluff, Manitoba - The first time I saw it was about two months ago. I was driving home from Winnipeg to the town I live in called Domain. As I was turning off the Perimiter Highway, I saw a ball of fire coming to earth like a comet, not a shooting star. It was big, red and fiery.
Then as I turned the corner, I saw the UFO. It passed over the highway and it was too low to be a plane.
It had lights on it. They were red and white, and it was hard to make out the shape, but it looked like a blimp with the seating compartment on the bottom of the big, oval balloon part.
Then on April 29, I was driving home around the same place when I saw a bright light in the distance toward the town of Oak Bluff. I decided to drive towards it to see if I could get a better look. As I got closer, I could tell it wasn't a plane because of its low altitude and slow speed.
I thought maybe it was a helicopter with a search light, but as I got even closer, it passed over my car like my last sighting, only this time stopping. This time I could distinctly make out the form of a blimp-shaped object with red and white blinking lights and one very bright light on the bottom.
I am sure it was not a plane, because of its slow speed, or helicopter, because of no loud rotor sound, and I got a look at the shape, which was not like a helicopter.
So I'm only left with two options as to what it is, some sort of blimp or zeppelin made on planet earth or the possibility of an alien space craft.
Canada - 05-17-09 - Hanover, Ontario - I was sitting on a lawn chair looking directly up for satellites and noticed a burnt orange silhouette of round shape moving slowly in a northern direction. I pointed my green laser pointer at it to show the other 5 witnesses, and after tracking the object with the laser for 2 seconds it quickly (in less than 1 second) moved to the west a few hundred feet.
Then it moved slowly to the west, until I hit it again with the laser, and it then quickly moved south, then east, then north, and then east, until we lost sight of it behind some trees.
It seemed that it didn't want to be hit with the laser, and would quickly move away from the beam. The laser was shining high enough that when I hit the object, the beam would reflect off the object until the object quickly moved out of the way.
Then the beam would be high in the sky again. There were no lights of any kind and no sound. The object made turns between 10-90 degree angles, and moved fast when the laser beam hit it. The amount of time that passed between the first sighting of it and when we lost sight of it completely was approximately 20 seconds. source:
Canada - 05-17-09 - Caledon, Ontario - It was a clear night. Sitting on my sofa, we have a clear view through a window over our fireplace. We noticed some really weird looking lights, something never seen before. There were 3 of them, and they appeared to be in a line following each other.
There was no noise, and they appeared to be moving slowly. Their motion was unlike anything I had seen. My wife was shocked! We went out on our back balcony to continue to watch (this all took place in about 2-3 minutes). My wife went inside to call our 12 year old son to see the UFO in the sky. He thought we were nuts until he came outside and saw them. By this time, there were 4.
As they quickly floated past our house, the first one suddenly changed course, which the other 3 followed perfectly. Now, at this point, the 3 of them are all quite bright orange, appeared a tad bit shaky, but once they turned, they went much higher in the sky and starting with the 1st one, started blinking a bit, then more and more until, 1 by 1, they all flickered out at a certain spot in the sky.
Our son was lucky enough to at least witness the final one to full affect. He is still shell-shocked! All we know is that, until this incident, we were skeptical. This has changed all of our thoughts on the subject! source:
Canada - 05-18-09 - London, Ontario - I looked up to scan the sky for meteorites or satellites upon exiting my car and walking through my parking lot. Something caught my attention, and my first thought was that I had spotted a slow, small meteorite - nothing very special.
It was perhaps 10 degrees from straight overhead and it was moving northwest. But then I realized that there were three lights forming a triangle. One light was following the other, then the third was about half that distance to the right and exactly in the middle. The lights were about the same brightness of a satellite, and all identical.
What was odd was the speed at which they were moving. They were moving much more quickly than an airplane or a satellite. It took approximately 15 seconds for the lights to move from near overhead to approximately 25 degrees above the horizon where they were lost in the distance. I listened as carefully as I could for jet engine noise, but there was complete silence. source:
Then as I turned the corner, I saw the UFO. It passed over the highway and it was too low to be a plane.
It had lights on it. They were red and white, and it was hard to make out the shape, but it looked like a blimp with the seating compartment on the bottom of the big, oval balloon part.
Then on April 29, I was driving home around the same place when I saw a bright light in the distance toward the town of Oak Bluff. I decided to drive towards it to see if I could get a better look. As I got closer, I could tell it wasn't a plane because of its low altitude and slow speed.
I thought maybe it was a helicopter with a search light, but as I got even closer, it passed over my car like my last sighting, only this time stopping. This time I could distinctly make out the form of a blimp-shaped object with red and white blinking lights and one very bright light on the bottom.
I am sure it was not a plane, because of its slow speed, or helicopter, because of no loud rotor sound, and I got a look at the shape, which was not like a helicopter.
So I'm only left with two options as to what it is, some sort of blimp or zeppelin made on planet earth or the possibility of an alien space craft.
Canada - 05-17-09 - Hanover, Ontario - I was sitting on a lawn chair looking directly up for satellites and noticed a burnt orange silhouette of round shape moving slowly in a northern direction. I pointed my green laser pointer at it to show the other 5 witnesses, and after tracking the object with the laser for 2 seconds it quickly (in less than 1 second) moved to the west a few hundred feet.
Then it moved slowly to the west, until I hit it again with the laser, and it then quickly moved south, then east, then north, and then east, until we lost sight of it behind some trees.
It seemed that it didn't want to be hit with the laser, and would quickly move away from the beam. The laser was shining high enough that when I hit the object, the beam would reflect off the object until the object quickly moved out of the way.
Then the beam would be high in the sky again. There were no lights of any kind and no sound. The object made turns between 10-90 degree angles, and moved fast when the laser beam hit it. The amount of time that passed between the first sighting of it and when we lost sight of it completely was approximately 20 seconds. source:
Canada - 05-17-09 - Caledon, Ontario - It was a clear night. Sitting on my sofa, we have a clear view through a window over our fireplace. We noticed some really weird looking lights, something never seen before. There were 3 of them, and they appeared to be in a line following each other.
There was no noise, and they appeared to be moving slowly. Their motion was unlike anything I had seen. My wife was shocked! We went out on our back balcony to continue to watch (this all took place in about 2-3 minutes). My wife went inside to call our 12 year old son to see the UFO in the sky. He thought we were nuts until he came outside and saw them. By this time, there were 4.
As they quickly floated past our house, the first one suddenly changed course, which the other 3 followed perfectly. Now, at this point, the 3 of them are all quite bright orange, appeared a tad bit shaky, but once they turned, they went much higher in the sky and starting with the 1st one, started blinking a bit, then more and more until, 1 by 1, they all flickered out at a certain spot in the sky.
Our son was lucky enough to at least witness the final one to full affect. He is still shell-shocked! All we know is that, until this incident, we were skeptical. This has changed all of our thoughts on the subject! source:
Canada - 05-18-09 - London, Ontario - I looked up to scan the sky for meteorites or satellites upon exiting my car and walking through my parking lot. Something caught my attention, and my first thought was that I had spotted a slow, small meteorite - nothing very special.
It was perhaps 10 degrees from straight overhead and it was moving northwest. But then I realized that there were three lights forming a triangle. One light was following the other, then the third was about half that distance to the right and exactly in the middle. The lights were about the same brightness of a satellite, and all identical.
What was odd was the speed at which they were moving. They were moving much more quickly than an airplane or a satellite. It took approximately 15 seconds for the lights to move from near overhead to approximately 25 degrees above the horizon where they were lost in the distance. I listened as carefully as I could for jet engine noise, but there was complete silence. source: