Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Internet Marketers Need a Proofreader

As an Internet marketer, you receive and send offers every day via various traffic sources.
You want them to visit your squeeze page, sales page, or website.
You want them to get excited about your offer, and take action towards making a purchase.
You want them to trust you to help them out with their problem.
This action is dependent on how you present yourself to them in the content of the web page.
If the headline of your page has a typo in it, they may be able to initially look past it.
However, if you have missing words, grammatical errors, and misspellings, you are being perceived as someone who rushes through things.
If you are going to pay someone to write copy for you, also pay someone to proofread it before it goes live on a website.
Keep in mind that spell check programs do not find all typos, and they cannot fix most grammatical errors.
It takes a human being to edit the content so that sentences flow naturally, to edit when the wrong spelling of a word is being used (their/there/they're), or to see when a word or letter is missing.
Put yourself in the potential customers shoes.
If I am an Internet marketing newcomer who is searching for information on how to create a splash page, I want to find a site that will slowly walk me through the steps on how to do that.
My perception, therefore, is that when I reach a sales page that looks like it was created in 30 seconds because of all the typos, that you didn't bother to take the time to review your content before posting it.
I would then simultaneously assume that you or your product would not be very thorough about taking me step by step to learn to do something.
All because of the typos and grammatical errors on your website.
Don't lose a sale to misperception.
Hire a squeeze page editor, splash page editor, or sales letter proofreader before you go live with any product launch.
This will ensure that your potential customers make it to the next page of your offer instead of going somewhere else.
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