Business & Finance Blogging

To Blog or Not to Blog - There Is No Question

New clients ask this all of the time.
They want to know if they should set up a blog on their site.
Let me nip the suspense on the bud here - YES, they should, and so should you.
The follow up to that decisive response usually revolves around the concern that perhaps their industry doesn't warrant a blog.
For example, business owners in the manufacturing sector may feel that the topic may be a little "dry" for a blog gobbling audience.
Who wants to read your thoughts on cement mixers? I don't, but do you know who does? Your customers.
They're out there and they are online, searching for information on your product/service and by adding a blog to your communications "mix" you have a better shot at getting their attention.
This article, or blog piece, details why blogs are an important part of your online marketing strategy: 1.
Google Gobbles Blogs
Google likes fresh content.
Correction - it loves it.
Google rewards (rankings) websites that continuously update their website with new and valuable content.
However, for many businesses, adding new content to their website appears redundant when the site simply exists to provide set information about a product/service offering.
For example, if you own a moving company, once your website is optimized and ranking well on Google, you don't want to mess with the success you've had so far by shifting things around for the sake of it or by adding new pages that repeat the same content that is found elsewhere on the site.
Google is wise to this practice anyways.
Adding a blog however, provides your website with a channel to deliver fresh new content on a weekly basis.
Perceived Authority
You own the business and thus are considered by default to be an expert in your industry.
By providing your take on your business and your product/service by maintaining a weekly blog you further validate yourself as an authority in the industry.
This increases customer confidence.
Added Personality
In the past, a simple photo of a CEO, President, or GM planted beside the company mission statement in quotations or providing "team bios" did the trick to convey a personal touch.
Today, the public demands more.
By writing a weekly blog, complete with an avatar and personal online signature, you develop a personality for your business, one that customers can relate to.
Conversation with Customers Equals Conversion
Not only are customers better engaged when you provide them with a frequently updated blog to follow, you can optimize the blog to encourage two way conversation.
By allowing comments from readers, you create conversation.
They can ask questions for you to respond to and once that rapport is developed it is much easier to sell them in the future.
Encourages Social Sharing
Blogs optimized for readers to "like" and "share" articles on their Social Media networks allow you access to the sharing individual's network of friends and associates.
This kind of referral is an invaluable "word of mouth" tool for dramatically increasing the reach of your marketing message.
In addition, maintaining a blog provides your business with fresh content to use for posting on your own Social Media accounts.
Conclusion OK, so if this article did its job, you are convinced that maintaining a blog for your website is essential.
However, as with many of our clients, the prospect may feel like a daunting task, especially if you're not confident in your writing skills.
This is when you dig into your businesses human resource reservoir to identify those with such a talent.
Most writers "at heart" will jump at the opportunity.
Another option is to outsource your blog contributor by securing an internet marketing company with a talented content developer ("ahem") to write the blog for your business, in YOUR voice.
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