Travel & Places Camping

Sleeping Bag Guide

If you are a regular camper or like to be prepared for all occasions a good quality sleeping bag is must-have piece of camping equipment. But which one should you buy? There are so many different types available from numerous brands it is a question that is harder to answer than you may think. The best way to decide on which one to buy is to look at your requirements i.e. what you will be using it for, where you will be using it and when.

If you just want one for when guests come to stay then a regular shaped rectangular one should suffice. It needn't have to fold up too compactly as it can be stored in a cupboard, the garage or loft when not in use. The temperature rating of a bag that will mainly be used indoors shouldn't need to be too robust as hopefully there will be some heating present in the house. The main option when it comes to choosing a sleeping bag for indoor use is whether to get a single or a double sleeping bag. If you cannot decide and want to be prepared for couples and single guests a sleeping bag that can be transformed from a single to a double like the Redstone Double Sleeping Bag is a very good option.

If you are more of the outdoors type and will be using your sleeping bag in a tent or even under the stars there are a few more things to consider. Although double sleeping bags are great for camping trips they can be a bit heavy to carry and often take up more space than two mummy-style bags. If you are going to be carrying your camping equipment on your back then the weight and size the bag compacts to is very important. Also the temperature rating needs to be considered if the bag is going to be used outdoors. The season rating ranges from 1 to 5 with 1 being the least protective making the bag ideal for summer and 5 being the highest giving the sleeping bag usability suited to as temperatures as low as -15 degrees and ideal for expeditions. The higher the season rating the more it tends to cost so think carefully where you will be using the bag and don't waste money on rating you won't ever need - are you really going to be heading out to the Mount Everest base camp anytime soon?

Once you have decided on the style of the sleeping bag (rectangular, mummy, single or double) and the season rating (1 for summer, to 5 for expeditions) then it's time to look at the brands available. Many camping equipment stores such as Blacks or Millets have their own brands which get good reviews and cost a fair bit less than the more recognisable brand names. When picking a brand you are probably better off setting a budget, listing your requirements and then picking a brand that meets your specifications rather than just going for a brand you like. Some popular brands include: Coleman, The North Face and Gelert.
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